How Many Pregnant Women Are Detained by Immigration & Customs?

It took seven long months, but my friends at Fusion finally heard back from the federal government in response to a Freedom of Information Request regarding pregnant women detained by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. True, it was only a partial response to the FOI request, but that’s better than many journalists get.

[quote]Fusion has learned that at least 559 pregnant women were detained in just six Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities since 2012, despite a policy prohibiting such detentions except for in cases of “extraordinary circumstances.”[/quote]

According to Fusion, “ICE provided data for only six of its facilities, which house an estimated 39 percent of the women held in detention. The total number of pregnant women kept behind bars is likely much higher…Earlier this month, the Obama administration asked Congress for $897 million in additional funding to detain and deport undocumented Central American parents entering the country.”

See what else Fusion found.

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