How the IRS Scandal Helped Neuter Legitimate Enforcement

The Center for Public Integrity is out with its new, in-depth look into the IRS’ nonprofit exempt division.

According to CPI, “The IRS’ nonprofit division, grappling with a decimated staff and limited resources, effectively lost whatever nerve it had left. Notably, it came to a near standstill on deciding whether it should grant ‘social welfare’ nonprofit status to Crossroads GPS and other conservative groups. It likewise balked at denying or revoking nonprofit status for a growing constellation of politically driven, big-spending liberal nonprofits such as Patriot Majority USA and Priorities USA.

[quote]”The tea party scandal, combined with Congress systematically stripping the IRS of resources and clout over decades, has led to an exempt organizations division that has all but quit regulating politically active nonprofits in any consistent, demonstrable way, a six-month Center for Public Integrity investigation reveals.”[/quote]

[ilink url=””]Read the CPI Investigation About the IRS[/ilink]


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