“Vaxxed” is a new documentary that recounts a story the news media will not tell and Congress will not hold hearings on. A current CDC senior scientist, Dr. William Thompson, has confessed to taking part in a longterm effort to mask the link between vaccines and autism. He has described in some detail allegations of how he and his CDC senior colleagues quite literally pulled out a trash can and threw away data that proved damaging to the conclusion they wanted the study to form.
The broad propaganda campaign to try to stop people from seeing the film is understandable from the standpoint of the vaccine industry, government and medical establishment actors who have long pushed a single narrative in lockstep: Don’t question vaccine safety. It’s understandable they prefer to keep the film unseen, because Dr. Thompson makes a compelling witness against himself and his colleagues. He has no apparent motivation to lie about taking part in what many consider scientific fraud. Quite the contrary, he talks about his conscience and disbelief that “they did what they did.”
A review of the film by writer Lance Simmens was originally published in the Huffington Post. It deviated from the normally-accepted vaccine industry, government and medical establishment storyline. It read, in part:
[quote]Vaxxed, the controversial documentary alleging a direct causal relationship between vaccines and exponential increases in autism amongst children is a deeply disturbing and hence critically important piece of work that will cause many sleepless nights for parents of infants everywhere. I had the honor of both watching the film last night and participating in a discussion afterwards with its Producer, Del Bigtree and Director, Dr. Andrew Wakefield. It is a must see film and deserves to serve as a catalyst for a national discussion of the role of mandatory vaccines for children and the role of the pharmaceutical industry in government decision-making.
Vaxxed represents another in a cascade of documented allegations calling to task not only the corruption of government regulatory agencies but the corruption of science and scientific method itself.
What is equally disturbing, however, is that the film represents another in a cascade of documented allegations calling to task not only the corruption of government regulatory agencies but the corruption of science and scientific method itself. And to the extent that the current Presidential election contest has sparked virulent dissatisfaction with our elected leadership and the institutions of government we must take this opportunity to seriously question what many had taken for granted: namely, that government has as its most solemn mission the protection of public health, safety and welfare. The film carefully documents decisions by the Centers for Disease Control that lend credence to systemic corruption.[/quote]-Lance Simmens
Simmens has reported that his review was removed from the Huffington Post shortly after it was posted. He says his account was blocked and he’s been unable to get an explanation.
It’s probably just a malfunction. The news media wouldn’t censor this sort of information.
Here’s the entire Simmens article and Vaxxed review:
See CDC vaccine resources and more vaccine-related stories here:
All mainstream media offered their reviews , claiming it was an anti vax movie, before anyone had the opportunity to view it. I saw only a screen shot, which suggested the mmr be given as singular vaccines, spaced. Doesn’t sound anti vac to me. Isn’t that what Wakefield asked for twenty years ago? This is about government protecting patents and private industry over the lives of children and yes, it’s being exposed as it should be. Removing Wakefield halted the progress of vaccine safety and took the God given paths for a future away from another million children. There can be no discussion, it’s against the agenda. We can all name the names of those set up on all major media sites to ridicule the thoughts and concerns of parents,as well as “influencers” hired to combat open discourse. Censorship isn’t the last card, mandates are.
Thank you again for your pursuit of this issue! I was just telling my husband that it’s very upsetting to see my “friends” posting on social media against the “crazy anti-vaxers.” The fact that I’m seeing so many attacks during Autism Awareness Month is infuriating. I have no valid argument beyond my own experiences, because as these friends point out, “Countless studies have been done.” I sometimes want to scream, “so you don’t trust the government as a rule, but you’ll believe the Autism studies they allow us to see?”
You can find the cached Huffington Post article here at:
My thanks to the journalist, hard at work, promoting free speech. I echo the opinions stated in the comment above.
Pray for America, ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave’. May each citizen open his eyes to the truth, admit his failings, and turn his heart to the Lord, so that God might have pity and save our land.
And the Huffington Post’s lead story this morning is “Hardly Anyone Trusts the Media Anymore”
Sharyl: Wow, I just read your article and clicked on your link to Lance Simmens’ review (https://www.laprogressive.com/children-should-hate-us/?platform=hootsuite) that was censored from Huffington Post. Then, I went to “LanceSimmens.com” at the bottom of the review at that link to read more about Lance Simmens… HELP!! it took me to a porn site that I could not get out of fast enough!!!!! MY EYES…!!! Unbelievable – what is going on? The story is bad enough but organized censorship to this degree?
Was my post on April 18th about the Huffington Post censorship situation censored here on your website? If so, I’m just curious, why? Thank you.
Sharyl: Wow, I just read your article and clicked on your link to Lance Simmens’ review (https://www.laprogressive.com/children-should-hate-us/?platform=hootsuite) that was censored from Huffington Post. Then, I went to “LanceSimmens.com” at the bottom of the review at that link to read more about Lance Simmens… HELP!! it took me to a porn site that I could not get out of fast enough!!!!! MY EYES…!!! Unbelievable – what is going on? The Huffington Post story is bad enough but organized censorship to this degree?
i’m not surprised huffpost is just more neo-liberal fascist propaganda
Editors from Lancet and NEJM agree: Maybe half of all studies are false, or cannot be trusted.
Editors In Chief of World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journals: “Much of the Scientific Literature, Perhaps HALF, May Simply Be Untrue” … “It Is Simply No Longer Possible To Believe Much of the Clinical Research That Is Published”
I am shocked how even conversations about the movie are being blocked on such web sites as NEXTDOOR. Our leads can not even keep their flagging reasons straight. Don’t those trying to suppress this information realize they are just causing the inquisitive mind to want more. Don’t they know anything about human nature? I believe because of these suppressing tactics this will be the biggest scandal the world will ever know, bigger than the holocaust.