Wikileaks emails: Clinton strategists suggested attacking McCain on his age in ’08. (He was about the age Clinton is today)

[quote]He’s out of touch not just because he’s allied with Bush, but because he’s just old.–Clinton strategists speaking of John McCain in 2008[/quote]

Hillary Clinton’s current strategists and campaign officials were plotting, in the 2008 campaign, ways to attack Republican presidential candidate John McCain on his age, according to Wikileaks emails. At the time they considered McCain too “old”–he was about two years older than Hillary Clinton is today:

“Old argument: talking about him being out-of-touch is different for someone older-becomes a euphemism for old. Should be using that term for economy, Iraq, etc. He’s out of touch not just because he’s allied with Bush, but because he’s just old.”

“What’s the description of McCain that resonates that most? It’s not that he’s old and set in his ways, it’s that he’s old and set in Bush’s ways. Incapable of change: stuck in his ways/stuck in the status quo, can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

“Taglines: Same old politics, same old thing. Same old economics, Same old McCain McSame old..”

Read the email

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