Attkisson’s upcoming appearances for NYT Best Seller “The Smear”

Upcoming Appearances for Sharyl Attkisson, author of the New York Times best seller:

“The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think and How You Vote.”[hr]


Monday, August 28, 2017

Phoenixville, PA (one hour northwest of Philadelphia)

CBS Radio WPHT Chris Stigall, Colonial Theatre


Tickets available here


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Washington, D.C.

National Press Club Headliners Book Event


Tickets here:

Proceeds benefit the non-profit National Press Club Journalism Institute

Thursday, September 28 and Friday September 29, 2017

Alexandria, VA

Virginia Continuing Legal Education’s Constitutional Institute


Thursday, October 19, 2017 

Tallahassee, Florida

Capital Tiger Bay Club, featured speaker and book signing


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Lexington, Virginia

Virginia Military Institute
 8th Annual Leadership Conference, Marshall Hall

“Speaking Truth to Power: Candid and Courageous Civil Discourse.” 
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm


November 18-19, 2017

Miami Florida’s Miami Book Fair


Saturday, January 27, 2018

TEDx Talk at the University of Nevada-Reno

Reno-Sparks Convention Center



Monday March 19, 2018

Clearwater, Florida

Open to St. Petersburg College students and the public in the Arts Auditorium at the Clearwater Campus.




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10 thoughts on “Attkisson’s upcoming appearances for NYT Best Seller “The Smear””

  1. Well, I just can’t wait. I pre-ordered as did another of your commenting fans, but I ordered in Kindle format and they kept it a secred that they had added it to my library. I went to look when one of your contributors showed a copy and said, “Look what I have!” Now I have it too.

  2. Sharyl,–
    I’ve almost finished reading _Smear_
    it’s a super job: I’ve always been more interested in the “why” of things than in the “what”. Understanding the “why” is the key to understanding what’s coming next and to be ready for it.

  3. George A McHugh

    I am reading your book “Stonewalled…” and have ordered your book “The Smear”. I hope that you can get more more publicity for your books. More people need to read them. I would love to hear you do a few interviews on the John Batchelor Show on WABC radio ( ). I believe you would feel comfortable in the environment his show provides ! It will also give you another untapped audience well beyond what a book signing will provide. I have written to his show asking them to invite you !

  4. I wanted badly to get your book at Columbus metro library..remember you as a reporter in Columbus… Library has sequestered all copies of your book in a storage. Too bad the library is a part of the smear group. Bought your book anyway. Not a victim of the lousy media rats. I’m in your corner. Thank you for standing up with the truth. Vicki

  5. Just finished reading The Smear. It is a great book and fully reveals what a sham most of the media reporting is. I stick primarily to FOX and quit CNN once comrade Van Hall started to appear.

    Thanks again for your effort!!

  6. Sharyl, great take down of Eric Wemple. I just saw it on BookTV, CSPAN2. He tried repeatedly to trip you up and each time you responded with grace and facts. Appreciate your courage and keep on doing what you’re doing.

  7. First, congratulations and many thanks for persevering to do your own investigative TV news program, Full Measure, and for your new book, “The Smear.” I’m in the middle of reading it now.

    I regularly watch Full Measure for the great, objective, in-depth reporting. Last Sunday’s (7/23) program included a segment on the lack of real consequences for the bankers involved in the 2008 banking super-crisis. It contained a brief interview of Peter J. Wallison, author of “Hidden in Plain Sight” that deserves much more thorough, objective, in-depth, investigative reporting that could take an entire program of Full Measure to cover.

    I read that book last winter. Wallison literally had a front row seat on the Congressional investigation of the banking crisis, and he thoroughly, meticulously documents the real truth: Federal government housing policies and laws forced banks to make far too many subprime loans to people whose credit worthiness was substandard. It was a house of cards doomed to catastrophic failure.

    However, the Congressional committee appointed to investigate the causes of the crash had a majority of Democrats, and to protect the Democrat Party’s reputation they skewed the investigation’s results to hide the largely Democrat housing policies that led to the collapse of the financial markets. Instead, they placed all of the blame on the “greedy” banks and bankers in the committee’s final report. Talk about a “Smear”!

    You are the perfect person to followup this story in the name of “truth, justice and American journalism.” Go get’em Superwoman!

  8. I am interested in reading the Smear! I also know firsthand that the media will not report true and factual news. My son was brutally murdered in 2006 and his killing has been covered up by corrupt police, prosecutors and politicians. I have reached out over and over again for my story to be exposed but no one in the media will respond; they continue to ignore all of the facts , proof, medical examiners conclusion of homicide and this imperative story that must be told. This could happen to any parent and family. All must be aware of how deep seeded and appalling the corruption is.
    Will you help us Sharyl?

    Adrienne Miranda

  9. I also saw your BookTV interview with Eric Wemple and agree that you handled it with facts and grace. I also found myself wondering why BookTV chose Wemple, obviously an antagonist, to discuss your book. I don’t recall ever witnessing this in other segments that I’ve watched. Would be interested in your response to this.

  10. Well Sharyl,
    “The Smear” is everything I feared and a little more. What I thought was likely happening has been verified by your book with names, agendas, dates and more. I remain disgusted by the K-St. crowd, the smear merchants and by politics in general. Is it even possible that the American public can overcome?
    Thank you for the read.
    Best wishes

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