Above: Full Measure in Asia[hr]
[dropcap]C[/dropcap]hina is executing a massive plan that aims control much of the world economy. Our Full Measure cover story this week from Asia explains why you should care about “One Belt One Road.”

We’ll also Follow the Money and tell you how your tax dollars are paying for flights you’ll probably never be on…to tiny, little-travelled airports.
And if you only know Travis Tritt as a Grammy award winning country music star–You Don’t Know Tritt! We’ll show you another side.
[hr]Watch Sunday on TV and online at www.fullmeasure.news 9:30a ET. Partial TV listing below, full listing under “About” at www.fullmeasure.news [hr]

As someone who was once up to his eyebrows in state and then national politics and the press, I admire and wholeheartedly congratulate you on being perhaps the only thoroughly honest journalist in America today.
Keep goin’!