[dropcap]Y[/dropcap]ou may have heard that Trump is negotiating trade matters with China but what’s it all about and why is it important? Part of it has to do with China’s initiative called “One Belt One Road” which aims to make it the dominant world economic power. And that’s tied into China’s military aggression in the south china sea, both of which stand to affect OUR economy. That’s our Full Measure cover story this week as we report from Southeast Asia.
Watch Sharyl Attkisson’s TEDx Talk: Is Fake News Real?
Also this week, we report on the government’s “Essential Air Service” program. Hint: your tax money is being used to fly near-empty or even empty flights to small communities. We’ll tell you why.
And a visit with country music superstar Travis Tritt on this Memorial Day weekend. (He’s got a soft spot for our brave veterans.)

Watch Sundays on TV or live online at 9:30a ET. Replays anytime online www.fullmeasure.news
Ms. Attkisson,
If the effort to uncover the extent of the “spying” on the Trump campaign is not directed thusly, it is a mistake: Since we know that Obama “wants to know everything” we are doing, the effort should be to find out what the FBI/DOJ told Obama, when the told “it” to him and who told him.
Are not Obama’s Presidential papers public record? Same for FBI/DOJ communications on this subject with a former President? Hard to believe Executive Privilege may still exist or that pending investigation still exists, but ….. . I suspect that does not include his tweets or tweets to him, or emails to and from him unless they were printed. If so, that is unacceptable.
Is there an effort to find out what the DOJ/FBI told Obama in relation to “he wants to know everything”? Has anyone check the Library of Congress or where ever his Presidential papers are stored?
Kudos on your recent “The Hill” piece, which I referenced today in my column appearing in today’s Washington Times: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/24/intelligence-agencies-mischief-raise-suspicions-of/
You may recall that I reviewed “Stonewalled” for them several years ago as well. Keep pushing on this fast-developing story!
I notice that a number of documents were moved to the Obama library giving them a five year protection from being examined.
I also notice that some time later the Obama library has been removed from the government library system.
Question: Shouldn’t those documents now be available for public examination?
Can’t say how much I enjoy your show Full Measure. It’s such a pleasure to watch a news program that actually informs the viewers of important topics in depth. One of the most refreshing things is the lack of political bias in your reporting. Thank You!