Eight signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against the Trump campaign

It may be true that President Trump illegally conspired with Russia and was so good at covering it up he’s managed to outwit our best intel and media minds who’ve searched for irrefutable evidence for two years. (We still await Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings.)

But there’s a growing appearance of alleged wrongdoing equally as insidious, if not more so, because it implies widespread misuse of America’s intelligence and law enforcement apparatus…. (continued)

Read the rest of the article in The Hill here.

James Comey, former FBI Director


Watch Sharyl’s TEDx Talk: Is Fake News Real?

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15 thoughts on “Eight signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against the Trump campaign”

  1. Richard L. Carone

    Big Fan; you’re one of the few great journalist left in the 4th Estate.

    Thank you for keeping me informed.


  2. Susan Macartney

    I immediately thought when Obama put sanctions against Russia in Dec of 2016 that it was a set up… knowing that someone would reach out from the Trump Transition Team to try to calm the waters… then of course they were listening and made it into some outrageous act.

  3. Speaking of shaping the narrative you’re adequate yourself. A regular Judith Miller (disgraced). Nice try. Or more like Mendelssohn at the Kentucky Derby. Highly touted, great pedidree, a favorite with Justify the winner. Excep Mendelssohn came in last place. Last place!!! Like you losers supporting Trump are going to end up. Disgraced charlatans.

  4. Dear Sharyl, I’m VERY SURPRISED by your opening sentence. “It may be true”. I should say disappointed in it. I am a strong supporter of your quest for Justice. I am though troubled by your statement. You know as well as I and others that President Trump did nothing wrong. You’ve been around the D.C. Swamp long enough to understand what goes on there. By law, Mueller should not even be running an investigation. Sorry to see that. Keep up the good work. I still hope you will receive Justice.

    1. Jeff, Sharyl is not endorsing the view that Trump “may” have colluded with Russia, she is factually pointing out that at this time we don’t “know,” but based on what effort has been made to find it, it sure doesn’t look like it’s there.

      Sharyl is not a cheerleader. She reports facts, and when she reports them you can bet she has properly vetted them. When she gives an opinion of what those facts represent she presents it as an opinion.

      I follow Sharyl because I want to know the truth. Not what I WANT the truth to be.

  5. Jeff, Sharyl is not endorsing the view that Trump “may” have colluded with Russia, she is factually pointing out that at this time we don’t “know,” but based on what effort has been made to find it, it sure doesn’t look like it’s there.

    Sharyl is not a cheerleader. She reports facts, and when she reports them you can bet she has properly vetted them. When she gives an opinion of what those facts represent she presents it as an opinion.

    I follow Sharyl because I want to know the truth. Not what I WANT the truth to be.

  6. It is not credible that Putin has ever been anything but a leftist. He has said as much in an interview with a Cuban reporter. While leftists have infiltrated the Republican party to a small degree, they are mainly aligned with Democrats. If President Trump was compromised with Putin, it would not make sense that leftists would oppose it. The only outcome that would seem to signal President Trump as compromised, would be a dismantling of the FBI, as that is a long-time goal of the communist party. It’s more likely that leftists Obama and Putin were working together.

  7. Wayne L. Wickizer

    Utah Senator Orrin Hatch … The elephant in the room that no one is seeing or watching.

    Smoothly, purposefully, quietly, and almost hypnotically, Orrin Hatch wields unlimited power and influence that comes from position … Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance arguably the most powerful committee in Government … President pro tempore of the Senate 2nd most powerful in the Senate and 3rd in line to be President of the United States … and longevity … 40+ years. Player, spectator, chess master Hatch is sub rosa over the board, under the board, and on all sides of the board.

    As for informants, moles, cutouts, back channels, and Deus ex machina in President Trump’s administration, take a longer look at Hatch. Hatch works the whole stage and the audience like Puppeteer Edgar Burgen worked Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd. Now Hatch has even played President Trump like Bergin pulled strings on McCarthy and Snerd.

    Case in point is the Bears Ears land grab by Utah where the President in a quid pro quo, mutual huggin’ event with Hatch celebrated the reverted size and scope of the monument as pay back for Hatch’s “all in” over the President’s tax plan.

    For more than 40 years, Hatch has insinuated himself into every stratum of society. He has packed the Federal Justice system with his nominees, and the legislature and other influence centers with his Moles, Proxies, Professionals, Quislings, Factotum, Toadies, Fawning Sycophants, and Goodfellas. He is a darling of the Mormon Church, and plays the media like a Concert Master plays “First Violin.”

    There now surfaces ample evidence that Utah is but a minor mirror of what Hatch has accomplished in Washington. Hatch has managed to insert and insinuate himself by proxy creating cut outs, back channels and “back and forth channels” throughout. For example, recently disgraced wife beater and the President’s White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter was a likely Hatch plant and is a former Hatch employee. Hatch went out of his way to defend porter, vouch for his good character, and say he shouldn’t resign until Hatch saw that the “jig” was finally up. Please look around Mr. President. There may be another Hatch skunk or two in the White House wood works.

    For Star Trek fans, the following metaphor will resonate. It now dawns on us that another of Hatch’s Borg like characters has been planted in a strategic spot. Whether by subterfuge, stratagem or mutual agreement, Hatch the “Hive Master” has his man now planted in the middle of the Mueller team. “Résistance is futile.” Orrin Hatch & Robert Mueller share … from out of the Hatch camp and now firmly ensconced into the Mueller camp … press secretary and spokesman and Utah native Peter Carr. Carr can “cutout” for both camps and channel back and forth across the Washington Merry-go-round with anonymity and impunity.

    One must plant firmly in mind the history behind Hatch and Mueller who, we allege, like collegial heads of “States within a State” share notes, resources, channels, mutual admiration urges, and reams of plausible denials.

    Mueller in the 1990s did damage control in order to sidetrack the investigation and prosecution of, at the time, the most corrupt bank in the history of the World …The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). Mueller’s misfeasance and complicity in the matter ultimately gave the BCCI compromised Senators and Congressmen a pass. Hatch narrowly escaped censure and/or prosecution for his scandalous conduct in the BCCI affair. Hatch eulogized Mueller in his confirmation hearing to become the FBI Director and praised Mueller at every other opportunity thereafter.

    History persuades that Hatch and Mueller have, “no Politics … no Party … no Ethics … no Position … no Nation … no God” and are in and of themselves Gods and Goodfellas of the Deep State.

    What is less or more to expect of Masters Dei ex Machina (Gods in the Machine) … the indomitable Senator Orrin Hatch and his doppelganger Robert Mueller?

    What next and who else will spring from Hatch’s hive? Ah yes … but only if the fates damn us … will it be Mitt Romney.

    See other background available at “Unmasking the Mimes ….” https://goo.gl/2B1GDy

    Best wishes,


    Wayne L. Wickizer – MSAJ
    Major, U.S. Army Special Forces Ret.
    Former FBI Agent 1970-76
    Retired Educator
    Member Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ)
    Freelance Commentator and Political “Lurker”
    [email protected]
    Skype = wwickizer1
    Linkedin = https://goo.gl/Rgz9vd

    The only Agent in the history of the FBI to have a letter of commendation from Director J. Edgar Hoover and also a letter of commendation from Jack Anderson of “The Washington Merry-go-Round.” If you understand the significance of the foregoing relationships, you may or may not want to shake my hand when we meet.

  8. I hope to heck that when all of the dust settles, if it ever does, and this whole Trump-Russia-FBI mess is over that someone, hopefully Sharyl, will write a thorough book explaining, exposing, and making sense of it all. I try to follow the news closely, but it’s become bewildering and so complicated that I can’t get my head around it.

  9. I predicted this one. I find it very interesting that every week on several Sunday news programs, (NBC, ABC) there has always been a segment reviewing what will be featured, or has been featured, in that Sunday’s “Full Measure” program. Sure enough, because Sharyl’s show this week does not fit in with their left-wing biased agenda, NO MENTION OF “FULL MEASURE” on NBC’s news broadcast today. Could they be any more obvious?????

  10. Dear Sharyl, in all this time since the 2016 election I haven’t heard anyone ask this question, so I’ll ask it.

    As almost all people seriously running for President have lengthy political careers behind them as Governors, Senators, Members of Congress or Military, they have been fully vetted in the course of those careers.

    Outsiders however like Trump, Nader, Perot etc have not been vetted prior to their involvement in a Presidential run and so must undergo an extensive and expedited vetting process.

    Question: Wouldn’t that extensive and ongoing vetting process discover any nefarious connections, “collusion”, “compromat”, etc that could compromise a candidate long before he was elected, sworn in, and given access to the most secret National Security intel? One would think so. And if so, what does the appointment of Mueller as Special Council say about the vetting process?

  11. hugh H stephenson

    11/13/16 Page wrote, “I bought all the president’s men. Figure I need to brush up on watergate.”

  12. I have been a fan of Sharyl for a long time. Not surprisingly, there are no stations here in CT that carry Full Measure. The powers that be in CT can’t find their way out of their echo chapter.

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