A toxic chemical component widely-used in MRI dye has been found to cause serious health risks in some people.
Since our first report on the topic on Full Measure, dozens of countries have banned some of the common dyes used for MRIs.
However, the FDA has chosen a different route here in the U.S.
This information and subsequent warnings are not easy to find, even when searching on the Internet. But you can read about it in my investigative report.
Watch and read the full story here for more original reporting you won’t see anywhere else. And pass it on!


Sharply, thank you for your very informative articles. You investigate things that the rest of media don’t. I too had multiple(10) MRI with Gadolinium over 5 months. Doctors just do not discuss possible side effects or seem very interested.
Could you also investigate Fosamax use for osteoporosis? My wife took it for 7 years and has now had atypical femur fractures. Not until her second fracture 2 months ago did a doctor tell her she should not take Fosamax as this is a side effect.
Thank you
Robert Wakeham
828 962 5251
I marched with Chuck Norris and his wife in Birmingham with Bishop Lowe and Glenn Beck. His wife could not continue with us because she frlt so weak.
Hyperbaric Oxygen can great It help TBI but I do not know about
I had some MRI’s with gadolinium contrast along with other extensive tests in 2016 and 2017 because I was having double vision while exercising or exerting myself. I was seeing several neurologists who ordered many tests that all were coming back negative. The test that they did on my nerves and circulation, was the only one that tested positive for very slight carpal tunnel in my wrists, which they said was normal for my age. Other than that, I was in excellent health. They suggested I take a medication for optical migraines for six months. I opted out of that suggestion because they couldn’t actually diagnose it as migraines. They just wanted to be able to rule that out.
Since the double vision continued to occur, my PCP suggested that I see a vascular specialist, who found that I had radiation induced fibrosis syndrome from radiation I had to my neck/shoulder/chest area in 1989 for non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. The scar tissue is blocking my left carotid artery by 50%, which when I exert myself or turn my head to the left it affects the blockage more. Since I found this out, I started keeping my blood thinner with food and supplements and it hasn’t occurred at all.
But, within 4 months of my last MRI in June of 2017, which was clear, I started having new symptoms. These symptoms included a right drop foot, a weak right arm, fatigue, memory issues, frequent urination, insomnia, a feeling of an electrical current traveling through my arms, numbness in my right foot and hand with a pins and needles feeling in my toes and fingers on the right side. My PCP had closed his practice in October 2017, so the new PCP I chose couldn’t get me in for an initial visit until Febraury 2018. But,by the end of January my symptoms had continued to get worse, so my husband took me to the ER on January 29, 2018. They found a 1.3 cm tumor on my brain and I had surgery the following day at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston to later find out it was Glioblastoma. Now I’m wondering if it could have been the contrast from the MRI’s, since nothing showed up in the extensive testing so or my last MRI of the brain 6 months prior.
I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced a brain tumor, along with all the other symptoms that were occurring 4 months after my last MRI. Please feel free to email me if you or someone you has had this happen to them. I’ve opted out of the radiation and chemo recommended by my oncologist and have chosen to do an alternative method which is working great. On an average, according to doctors this cancer is terminal with only 6-18 months, without their treatment or 24 months, with their treatment. So either way, the prognosis is not favorable in my book. So I’ve found an alternative treatment that I know has worked for a woman that is a 30+ year Glioblastoma survivor.
I had some MRI’s with gadolinium contrast along with other extensive tests in 2016 and 2017 because I was having double vision while exercising or exerting myself. I was seeing several neurologists who ordered many tests that all were coming back negative. The test that they did on my nerves and circulation, was the only one that tested positive for very slight carpal tunnel in my wrists, which they said was normal for my age. Other than that, I was in excellent health. They suggested I take a medication for optical migraines for six months. I opted out of that suggestion because they couldn’t actually diagnose it as migraines. They just wanted to be able to rule that out.
Since the double vision continued to occur, my PCP suggested that I see a vascular specialist, who found that I had radiation induced fibrosis syndrome from radiation I had to my neck/shoulder/chest area in 1989 for non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. The scar tissue is blocking my left carotid artery by 50%, which when I exert myself or turn my head to the left it affects the blockage more. Since I found this out, I started keeping my blood thinner with food and supplements and it hasn’t occurred at all.
But, within 4 months of my last MRI in June of 2017, which was clear, I started having new symptoms. These symptoms included a right drop foot, a weak right arm, fatigue, memory issues, frequent urination, insomnia, a feeling of an electrical current traveling through my arms, numbness in my right foot and hand with a pins and needles feeling in my toes and fingers on the right side. My PCP had closed his practice in October 2017, so the new PCP I chose couldn’t get me in for an initial visit until Febraury 2018. But,by the end of January my symptoms had continued to get worse, so my husband took me to the ER on January 29, 2018. They found a 1.3 cm tumor on my brain and I had surgery the following day at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston to later find out it was Glioblastoma. Now I’m wondering if it could have been the contrast from the MRI’s, since nothing showed up in the extensive testing or my last MRI of the brain 6-7 months prior.
I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced a brain tumor, along with all the other symptoms that were occurring 4 months after my last MRI. Please feel free to email me if you or someone you know has had this happen to them. I’ve opted out of the radiation and chemo recommended by my oncologist and have chosen to do an alternative method which is working great. On an average, according to doctors, this cancer is terminal with only 6-18 months to live, without their treatment or 24 months, with their treatment. So either way, the prognosis is not favorable in my book. So I’ve found an alternative treatment that I know has worked for a woman that is a 30+ year Glioblastoma survivor.