I was surprised to learn how much the sex trafficking of young American girls is on the rise. A team of volunteer ex-Navy SEALS and police says the criminals who enslave the girls are connected to the illegal drug pipeline coming in from south of our border. They groom and prey on girls starting in middle school across America. Watch Sunday on www.fullmeasure.news as we go along on a rescue.[hr] Support Attkisson v.DOJ/FBI 4th Amendment Litigation Fund[hr]
Scott Thuman will have an interview with the man in charge of U.S. counterintelligence about what he says it a major but little-publicized threat to all of us: China spying on our intellectual property. He’ll explain how that’s costing us billions.[hr]
Full Measure TV station list and times
[hr]And Lisa Fletcher digs into why a bunch of our top-line fighter jets were left behind in Florida to suffer damage in a recent hurricane.
We won’t waste your time rehashing stories you’ve already heard all week. Watch on TV or online at www.fullmeasure.news live stream 9:30a ET Sundays.[hr]
Check for a TV station near you[hr]
Surprise, surprise: https://voat.co/v/PizzaGate
The MSM says it’s a hoax. The deep state encourages people to believe it’s a hoax.
I hope you get your hard drive back.