A few of you asked for a repeat offer of signed copies of Stonewalled and The Smear, so here it is!
The Smear: Now more relevant and timely than ever!
Help support first lawsuit of its kind to hold the US government accountable for spying on its own citizens.
Donate $150 receive your choice of signed paperback copies of “The Smear” or “Stonewalled”
Donate $250 received signed paperback copies of both books
Continental US only. Book offer expires: noon Thurs. Feb. 21, 2019.
Important: When donating, specify who you want the book(s) signed to and include your snail mail address in your private comments. *I cannot access your address from credit card info.*
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Having read both of your books, find them a great inspiration to finish my book. Having been in the media in a tempestous corner of the country in my younger days filled me in on what was in store for this country. This was between 1980-85 and Bill Clinton was on his way back to the governors chair. Arkansas was swirling with scandal and dirty operations. When it came to the Clintons, both media people in Little Rock and media people I worked with directly said, “Don’t F–K with the Clinton’s. I wonder if that fear quotient was going on there? Sure would love to send you a copy when I can get a real publisher. I self-published one before to get started, it was in another genre anyway. This will be in non-fiction of course.
You’ve done great work in pointing out where the MSM has not only dropped the ball but intentionally spiked it well before the goal post. This is not just bad journalism, it is betrayal. The deceit and lies must be squashed. Thanks for doing your part.