The following is an excerpt of a report by Sara Carter
A federal judge ordered multiple senior Obama Administration officials, State Department officials and former Hillary Clinton aides Thursday to provide answers under oath to questions requested by Judicial Watch after a roughly four year court battle.
Judicial Watch, a leading conservative non-profit watchdog group, announced the schedule of depositions in their case in a press release Thursday. The Judicial Watch questions regard two separate cases regarding the Obama administration’s actions during the Benghazi terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate and CIA Annex in Libya, and Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to send classified government emails…
The confirmed discovery schedule now includes:
- March 12: State Department’s responses to interrogatories and document requests were due.
- March 14: Deposition of Justin Cooper, a former aide to Bill Clinton who reportedly had no security clearance and is believed to have played a key role in setting up Hillary Clinton’s non-government email system.
- April 5: Deposition of John Hackett, a State Department records official “immediately responsible for responding to requests for records under the Freedom of Information Act.”
- April 16: Deposition of Jacob “Jake” Sullivan, Hillary Clinton’s former senior advisor and deputy chief of staff.
To read the rest of the report, click the image below. If the image doesn’t appear, just click here:

Hillary has been such a bad person that this picture of makes me want to spit at it.
If they think they are going to get any honest answers to their questions – I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell them. We have seen the lying and deceit for the last 12 years starting with the Bill’s sexual trist’s and Hillary covering up for him.From that point on it”s Katie bar the door. The lies never ceased and continue to this day.
Good Luck
Uncle gordo