Twitter’s CEO Wants to Make a Change: Analysis

The following is an excerpt from “How Jack Dorsey plans to change Twitter” by Ina Fried, published in Axios. Photo By (CC) Brian Solis

In an effort to make Twitter a healthier place, CEO Jack Dorsey said the company is looking to change the focus from following specific individuals to tracking topics of interest, a significant shift from the way the service has always operated.

Why it matters: Twitter remains filled with harassment, especially for women, people of color and LGBTQ communities.

Dorsey acknowledged that what’s incentivized today on the service is at odds with the goal of healthy dialogue.

“In the past it’s incented a lot of outrage,” he said. “It’s incented a lot of mob behavior. It’s incented a lot of group harassment.” (Continued)

Read the rest of the article here: Dorsey Plans Change

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2 thoughts on “Twitter’s CEO Wants to Make a Change: Analysis”

  1. Michael J Sheridan

    Twitter is a brand and “brand image” means everything. Until people no longer feel like they are being censored and/or treated unfairly on this platform, it doesn’t matter what Jack says he wants to do. The toxic atmosphere of Twitter seems to be its actual draw. He’s kidding some. he’s not kidding me.

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