“Media…sold a bunch of snake oil” — Sen. Grassley on Trump-Russia probe

Today, the Democrat-led House of Representatives Judiciary Committee voted 24-16 (along party lines) to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt over his refusal to turn over the unreacted version of the Mueller Report on Trump-Russia collusion.

Next, the matter will be taken up by the full House of Representatives.

Meantime, the Republican head of the Senate Finance Committee, Chuck Grassley, took to the Senate floor to comment on the Mueller report and the media’s response to it.

Many in the media seem to be unhappy with the results of the Mueller Report or embarrassed that the world knows they sold a bunch of snake oil for the past two years. And now the jig is up.

I hope the media will pursue the origins of the Russian collusion investigation with the same vigor as they’ve pursued the collusion narrative.

It would go a long ways, then, to res)tore the media’s damaged credibility.

And knowing how all this started will help us prevent such a fiasco from ever happening again. 

–Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)

Watch Sen. Grassley’s statement by clicking the link below:

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7 thoughts on ““Media…sold a bunch of snake oil” — Sen. Grassley on Trump-Russia probe”

  1. Chuck,

    Where you been? The media lost its trust and credibility long before Russian Collusion hoax…it will take a generation to recover.

  2. The Media to dig into finding out what they knew from the beginning? Thats funny.

    MediaCrats is whom they are.

    (With some exceptions of course)

  3. Regarding Attorney General Barr’s — “refusal to turn over the unredacted version of the Mueller report on Trump-Russia collusion:.

    It is my understanding that Barr has both a logical and legal right to supply only a redacted.version of the report and :is being supported in this matter by President Trump’s current claim of ‘Executive Privilege’. (NOT SURPRISINGLY –The total legality of Barr’s action is seldom if ever being mentioned by our MSM)

    Consider the following paragraph reproduced from — https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/18/18412111/house-democrats-subpoena-unredacted-mueller-report

    —– “There are four kinds of information Barr has said could be redacted from the public report: information that could expose “peripheral third parties,” details that could “compromise sources and methods” used to compile the Mueller report, material from the grand jury, and details about ongoing investigations”—–

    Prominent Dems are now proposing the IMPEACHMENT OF TRUMP in an attempt to circumvent the inconvenient truth regarding the established rules on document redaction.

    U.S.A Civil War II is well underway!.

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