Your comments in Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for government computer intrusions

I continue to be extremely grateful for the support of thousands of you in my pursuit of justice over the government intrusions of my computers while I was an investigative reporter at CBS News.

Read more about Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI here.

As many of you know, the Department of Justice will not investigate its own, forcing me to self-fund my fight for justice in court.

Unfortunately, the Justice Department has been using your tax money for four years to obstruct our attempts to learn the names of the agents behind the forensically-proven improper government surveillance. The agency that is supposed to be righting wrongs is, instead, protecting those responsible.

Legal scholars are watching my case because, as the dissenting appellate judge stated in siding with me, if I cannot get justice– then the government has been issued a “Kafkaesque” playbook that will allow them to avoid responsibility for nearly every case of improper spying on U.S. citizens.

 Here are some of the comments you have made on behalf press freedom and Constitutional privacy rights in supporting the Attkisson Fourth Amendment Litigation fund that was generously started by a diverse group of civil right and privacy advocates:

You Go Girl!!

I want to see Justice done.

Hope all can support Sharyl Attkisson with money. Read her book “Stonewalled” and “The Smear.” They open your eyes to things that many Americans are not aware of.

Sharyl is an amazing journalist!

I hope to expose government spying.

One of the few unbiased reporters around. Terrible what the government has done to her. Shades of Stalin or Mao.

FWIW, you could easily talk to Dan Bongino & get him sold on your case. He’d take it to Hannity, Levin & others, & they’d get it over their airwaves & to POTUS. POTUS can order USG cooperation. Your cause is America’s cause – BEST OF LUCK!

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I believe in this cause. Keep fighting.

I want the people responsible for the injustice to be held accountable.

I believe in what you are fighting for.

Sharyl is one of the true objective reporters out there. I admire Sharyl greatly and wish I had gone into journalism.

I fully support Sharyl Attkisson in her fight for justice.

Don’t stop until you reach the sea.

All US citizens should be supporting this fight because it’s a crime against all of us.

$50,000 Whistleblower Award offered in Attkisson v. DOJ FBI for the Government Computer Intrusions. Click here to learn more.

Sharyl Attkisson has the tenacity to pursue this case to a just conclusion. I support her efforts. No citizen should accept illegal government intrusion into our lives. No one should be stonewalled by the government to run out the clock, and be bled dry of financial resources, to receive justice.

In a dissenting opinion, Fourth Circuit Court Judge James Wynn blasted the decision stating: Not only should we disapprove of the tactics the government used to run out the clock on Attkisson’s claims, but we should also reject the troubling “game plan” it provided for the government and private parties to prevent disclosure of—and, therefore, responsibility for—their potentially unconstitutional or illegal electronic surveillance activities.

I donated because I believe.

I too believe.

Fight improper government surveillance. Support Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI over the government computer intrusions of Attkisson’s work while she was a CBS News investigative correspondent. Visit the Attkisson Fourth Amendment Litigation Fund. Click here.

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9 thoughts on “Your comments in Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for government computer intrusions”

  1. The Deep State protects its own against all threats including those coming from the White House. It is not possible to maintain a free people without a free press.
    Sharyl’s fight is freedom’s fight.
    Bill Low, Editor,

  2. I have both of your books and have thoroughly enjoyed the insightful investigative work. I have been tracking how corrupt our government has been since I was a high school student following the assassination of President Kennedy. I am always looking for sources of research and you have proven to be a viable one. Keep up the good work!

  3. Barry Jones Sr.

    Stay Rowdy Sharyl, Love your work. Just donated monthly to help a little by keeping you in the public forum !!!

  4. Charlie Hawkins

    Keep fighting don’t give up. The President is fighting the same.battle I seen him retweet you a couple times. I’m sure he knows whats is happening. What was done then was so wrong as wrong what the Democrat/islamics are doing now. It just shows a lot more now, and what they now will show 10 times worse later. I don’t know if you will win or lose but it’s a fight worth making. God help us all if you lose. That will signel the death of free press. All that will be left is the piss poor excuse for a fake news we see that are no more than talk shows. They are a disgrace, and they are truly the an enemy of the people and freedom.

  5. Your cause is just and benefits all of us. They might have been motivated by the same reasons that motivated them to spy on Trump, his family, his associates and his campaign but it is otherwise totally different. The cause was to silence political opposition to their unitary totalitarian views.

    Thanks to you for continuing the fight.

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