Fourth amendment victory for airline passengers

Nine passengers have settled a lawsuit against U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) after they were made to show their identifications (or IDs) to border agents without the agents citing reasonable suspicion.

That announcement from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The decision prevents border agents from conducting future baseless ID checks after domestic flights, according to the ACLU.

This settlement is a win for the Fourth Amendment rights of all travelers on domestic flights … The Constitution protects passengers deplaning domestic flights just as it protects people on the street or in a car. CBP is bound by those protections, and this settlement helps make sure the agency stays within those bounds.

Hugh Handeyside and Anna Diakun, ACLU

Customs and Border Protection will issue a new policy making it clear that they must follow the Fourth Constitutional Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures, according to the ACLU.

The ACLU also says that Customs and Border Protection is compensating the litigants for legal expenses.

Read the rest of the American Civil Liberty Union’s report here: No more unreasonable ID checks.

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2 thoughts on “Fourth amendment victory for airline passengers”

  1. Giovanni Girgenti

    I am very sorry I can not contribute to you at this time, I am a broken down viet nam vet with no real income, but am trying to find a way to help. Keep up the great work you are doing, I am not saying you are a republican, or that you like trump but I think you see what is going on and will investigate the facts. It brings a tear to my eyes ,to see what others say and do to this country

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