Inmate questioned about jail injury of sex offender Epstein

An inmate has been questioned over the jail injury of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

That’s according to WNBC.

Epstein was said to have been nearly unconscious when found in his New York City jail cell this week.

WNBC says sources indicate inmate Nicholas Tartaglione was questioned after the incident. He is reportedly a former police officer accused of four drug related murders.

Tartaglione denied any suggestions that he touched Epstein and claimed he saw nothing relevant, according to WNBC.

Authorities are said to be looking into whether Epstein may have attempted suicide or whether somebody else injured him. He reportedly had injuries to his neck.

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6 thoughts on “Inmate questioned about jail injury of sex offender Epstein”

  1. Sharyl….look up who this guy is and and his family’s background….this will definitely get more interesting if you want to dig….

  2. My personal belief about this incident with Epstein in jail. Epstein knew that his time was up and it was going to catch up with him so he took the coward’s way out

    It’s been said a person would rather face death then the face the charges that he is going to be charged with

    I believe Epstein tried to commit suicide hide from his guilt so he would not be charged with anything and spend the rest of his life from prison. It’s also playing the sympathy card

  3. What does Epstein say? This stinks to high heaven. We expect something to happen to him to keep him quiet. We know that Hillary has a dossier on everyone. She feared Trump because he is clean of any criminal behavior and she seemed to know that. You can count on her to be very afraid of those who can’t be blackmailed.

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