The Epoch Times has compiled some interesting background on accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
Reporters have had difficulty substantiating his reputed status as a billionaire and the source of his wealth.
The following are excerpts from The Epoch Times article. A link to the full article follows.
…For a man reputed to have been managing at least $15 billion—all for billionaires—it would seem all but impossible that Epstein wouldn’t be known to the Wall Street trading desks. Additionally, Epstein reportedly employed no portfolio managers or analysts, telling people that he handled the entire investment side of the business himself, with all other employees being purely administrative.
Epstein, for reasons unknown, was also reported to be highly selective when it came to his clients. In the New York Magazine article, famed mergers and acquisition lawyer Dennis Block said that he once sent Epstein a $500 million client, only to have Epstein turn the client down. Block noted: “Both the client and I were amazed. But that’s Jeffrey.”…
…Rumors of blackmail have surrounded Epstein for years. In a 2015 court filing, Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre said that Epstein “trafficked” her to “to many other powerful men, including politicians and powerful business executives.”
Epstein required me to describe the sexual events that I had with these men presumably so that he could potentially blackmail them.
Virginia Roberts Giuffre, Epstein accuser
…Epstein reportedly got his start in the financial world while working for investment bank Bear Stearns but abruptly left the firm in 1981 under less than clear circumstances. Some media reports indicate Epstein was forced out. Other reports indicate that Epstein left of his own volition. But whatever the reason behind his departure, Epstein may have kept financial ties with the firm in place.
The Miami Herald reported that “as part of the plea deal, Epstein provided what the government called ‘valuable consideration’ for unspecified information he supplied to federal investigators.” It remains unknown exactly what information was provided by Epstein, but as the Miami Herald notes, “Epstein’s sex crime case happened just as the country’s subprime mortgage market collapsed, ushering in the 2008 global financial crisis.”
According to the Herald’s reporting: “Records show that Epstein was a key federal witness in the criminal prosecution of two prominent executives with Bear Stearns, the global investment brokerage that failed in 2008, who were accused of corporate securities fraud. Epstein was one of the largest investors in the hedge fund managed by the executives, who were later acquitted. It is not known what role, if any, the case played in Epstein’s plea negotiations.”… (Continued)
Read the full article in The Epoch Times by clicking the link below:
Let us hope that the Clintons have not scheduled Epstein’s suicide before he has a chance to revel the names of the passengers on the Lolita Express!
thank you for a great article!
One of the saddest aspects of the case but also the key to reopening of the federal case is the dive the Obama DOJ took. Two young women who had been recruited to serve as underage sex workers on the airplanes so loved by Bill Clinton and others. The women were promised by the FBI/DOJ that if they would testify the feds would prosecute . Instead the deal was done for Epstein to plea to a minor state charge and the Feds agreed not to prosecute Epstein AND a number of others including some of the frequent flyers. The feds failed to notify the young women that they were being sacrificed for political protection of the Clinton image. My recollection is that there are video interviews with the women prior to the “deal” going down. While Trump’s labor secretary has taken the blame for the deal it could only have been initiated or approved at the top levels of the Obama administration. Hopefully Congress or a grand jury will investigate.
Thank you for the information! I will bookmark you page!
Kinda reminiscent of Madoff, isn’t it?