Propaganda phrases

What’s in a name? A look at the use of the phrase “Trump’s child separation policy” with a little help from an NPR fact check.

7 thoughts on “Propaganda phrases”

  1. I did a Google query for the number of news sources, in just one day and this came back – “About 60,700,000 results (0.62 seconds)”… I’m guessing conservatively at less than a fraction one percent are what can safely be called, “journalists”. That leaves an awful lot of room for propagandists; good, bad and everything between.
    Mike V.

  2. I never considered the “child separation policy” as a propaganda term.
    You have explained its use cogently and reasonably. Thanks for
    the valuable insight.

  3. Sharyl, thx for holding (or trying to at least..) the media accountable to basic journalistic standards and norms. Way to put the focus on “terms and buzz-words” used to push agendas within the “unbiased” news outlets.

    Have you considered doing a story on just how CONGRESS can change this “Child-Separation Policy” if it is truly so bad…w/o the President signing off on that law change?? (Veto override). Basics civics classes explains how this CAN BE DONE…if our current immigration laws are ..”so bad..”

  4. Thank you for pointing out the way words and phrases can be manipulated and used as propaganda. By the way, the immigration laws that cause so-called “child separation” weren’t made by the Trump administration. So to call it ‘Trump’s child separation policy’ is outrageous anti-Trump bias.

  5. Thanks for an excellent commentary on the need for “precision” and “accurate” language by those in the media. Loved your book, The Smear. but was depressed by it too! Keep up the good work.

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