Vast majority want citizenship question on census: unscientific poll

I’ve closed out the current poll early in light of President Trump’s new executive order initiating a count of noncitizen through federal documents and databases rather than the U.S. census.

The results of our unscientific poll, which earlier posed the census citizenship question, are overwhelming: 98% of respondents said that the question belongs on the census. The full results are below.

Meantime, be sure and click our home page to answer the new poll question: Do you support the President’s move to gather citizenship information through federal documents and databases.

Should the census ask if you’re a U.S. citizen?

98% Yes

1% No

>1% I don’t know.

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3 thoughts on “Vast majority want citizenship question on census: unscientific poll”

  1. Remember that FDR in WW2 used the census data to round up Japanese and send them to INternment camps.

    This should be widely broadcast, including in spanish!

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