Most people (60%) say they are more likely to support the nominee for Director of National Intelligence if the Intel community opposes him or her.
That’s the result of our latest unscientific poll at
Thirty-seven percent (37%) of those who responded say Intel community opposition would have no impact on their feelings toward the nominee, or that are not sure.
The full poll results are below. Be sure and vote in our new poll on the home page. Look for the black box not the right sidebar or scroll down on the mobile site.
If Intel community opposes DNI [Director of National Intelligence] nominee, then I ________ the nominee.
3%: Oppose
60%: Support
20%: No impact
17%: Not sure
Clapper and Brennan couldn’t have been so smart, nor patriotic. Their unethical actions as high ranking members of the intelligence community have brought disgrace to their respective agencies. No way would I lend any credence to their opinions of any D.N.I. !
Sharyl, i’ve been out of the country for two weeks. What is going on.? 60 % of the respondent think the Director of National Intelligence is corrupt? Was this a push poll? A corrupt poll? Can this be true? I’m not surprised that the work of John Brennnan has let to distrust?