Sharyl Attkisson will appear as part of a special panel discussion at the Paley Center in New York entitled “Media Bias: Fact or Fiction?”
Watch live at 6:30p Tues. Sept. 17 here:
The James P. Jimirro Media Impact Series casts light on the role of media in influencing public thought and behavior. Designed to reach media professionals, students, and the public at large, the series encourages careful consideration of media’s impact on society and, accordingly, fosters more critical viewers and readers.
Other panelists include Angelo Carusone, President, Media Matters; Tim Graham, Director of Media Analysis, Media Research Center; Michelle Malkin, Fox News contributor and author, Open Borders, Inc.; Christine Quinn, President & CEO, Win; Brian Stelter, host, CNN Reliable Sources: and moderator Dean Marie Hardin, Bellisario College of Communications, Penn State School of Journalism.
The panel will address misinformation in the media, the public’s relationship with the media, and the media’s impact on society today.
Purchase tickets or learn more by clicking here.
More information, including how to purchase tickets, is available here: Media bias, fact or fiction?
We should be most concerned with the illiberal left’s response after they lose in next election.Will they just go away? They are obviously paranoid with their own perception that they are entitled to run this country and then drive it into a “democratic”socialistic environment wherein the US will become the financier of the world socialistic club.
that is not even close, China is fighting Federal Reserves to compete with the dollar, they want the Yuan to be as valuable as the Dollar, they try for years, if and when the dollar falls, this country is done. G5 is a monster, is in its way to the world, if Mr. Trump sleeps on the job just a little, between Democrats and China, we will be in danger. I know you are positive, I am too, because In God we Trust right? But until the people understand that is not right or left, is The People vs. Government. They have to make laws to protect the public, Regulations are restrictions, not protections, they ask for a fee for every regulation, they just pull regulations out of their sleeves, they invent dangers that do not exist, to come up with more regulations. If they privatize all Industries, the have us in the camps in no time.
Democrats have protested every one of their Presidential election losses after 1988.
2000: even when SCOTUS ruled 7 to 2 that what the Florida Supreme Court did by changing election law AFTER an election was unconstitutional. Most folks only remember the contemporaneous 5 to 4 SCOTUS decision that said FL court was unconstitutional — 2 of the 7 said them have a 3rd try!!! Most post-election analyses showed Bush won by more votes!
In 2004 Democrats protested the Ohio electoral count.'s_electoral_votes
They skipped 2008 and 2012 because they won.
And then they made a huge stink in their next loss in 2016. The 2016 fuss has continued unabated for almost 3 years now, with moves to impeach even after the “soft coup” has being exposed.
WHEN Trump wins in 2020, they will go bonkers.
Focus on “transference” . Our Enemy, the Administrative State, consists of The Media, Academia, The Democratic party, and administrative officials. Their political arm — known as “The Media” — attempts to shape public opinion — often by “transference”: assigning their malevolence to their opposition.
we need to get ahead of the game here, instead of following up on old issues.