This podcasts contains otherwise difficult-to-find information on MRI dye safety and the warnings issued by the FDA.
Investigative producer David Bernknopf joins me in the discussion, related to our investigation for Full Measure. Click the player below on this page.
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about 11-12yr ago i had a mri with contrast (gadolinium) for a loud noise in my hearing,about 1-2week later many wart like growths appeared on my head ,i would always scratch at them and after about a year they all went away
This David Bernknopf is clearly uninformed about Gadolinium Poisoning. He acts like this is a rare event. EVERYONE who receives even one dose retains. I spoke at the September 8th FDA meeting 2017. We have the same attorney as Chuck and Gena. Our lives have been ruined by this. My husband was healthy his whole life until one prophylactic MRI w/contrast. He has good kidney function and retained a lot of Gadolinium. He developed severe cerebellar atrophy ( just like the animals in the studies did 30 years ago) ! He resides in a wheelchair with no balance and a severe speech ataxia. The CTE victims from the NFL and other sports have Gadolinium Poisoning… not some new fangled neuro degenerative disease caused by hits to the head. If that were the case they would have been coming forward with these symptoms in the 50s, 60s,70s ect… The rate at which these players will develop CTE was said to be over 90 percent by Mayo Clinic. The NFL has been brainwashed by the CTE foundation. Just ask them if they look for Gadolinium on the brain autopsies that they do? They don’t. CTE has turned into big business. The rate of ALS and Parkinson’s like diagnosis’s has skyrocketed in the last few decades. That is where your coverup is…. this has ruined our lives and we are being silenced by our attorneys or shall I say threatened if we speak out. They will drop our case.
Judy… it’s the same thing with the cobalt now used in about half of all implanted medical devices. It caused encephalopathy AND heart failure, yet when a neurologist is working up a patient suspected to have PD, dementia or serious neurological diseases, rarely does anyone ever even ask the patient (or family) if he has any metals implanted in his body or mouth.
I can’t even begin to think about how many people are being told they have developed idiopathic PD or other neuro diseases or cardiomyopathy, when in reality, these people might just be having their CN systems & hearts adversely affected by metals like the mercury in dental work, the metal dye used in flueroscopy or the cobalt in implanted plates, screws, rods or joint replacements. We should connect. You can maybe find me on Facebook or YouTube. Xo. Please speak out. I believe the healthcare products cartel has rigged parts of the legal & judicial systems as well. Our only hope in sparing others from harm comes from telling our stories. The media & the FDA won’t do it. The doctors don’t know. Pharma certainly won’t say a peep. -Frances
[email protected]
Great books.
Could not put them down!
That’s scary and rather irresponsible. Thank you for doing this story.
The doctor must assume responsibility to inform the patient of the dangers and risks involved when he recommends an MRI. Failing this, ordinary folks have reason to doubt and fear treatment, and to avoid doctors in general. Long-term use of means to generate an MRI image become immune to any criticism by doctors, who favor results and disregard difficulties. People who know about these dangers must, in the absence or warnings by the medical community, inform their friends and family.