Analyst: it’s not “racist” to oppose unchecked immigration

There are parallel debates happening in the U.S. and Europe over the pace of both legal and illegal immigration.

Europe faced a crisis beginning with a massive influx of mostly Muslim refugees in 2015, and it created partisan battles and political divides in many countries.

Those who advocate for controlled borders are often hit with accusations they are “racist.”

But liberal author and professor Eric Kaufman says the term “racism” has been misapplied to many — who can be found among all races — who tend to be comfortable with the status quo, whatever it may be, and are less likely to embrace sudden change.

To watch the interview, which aired on Full Measure, click the link below.

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3 thoughts on “Analyst: it’s not “racist” to oppose unchecked immigration”

  1. Nothing has done more to diminish the quality of life for the United States middle class through higher housing (land) costs, greater competition for jobs, lower wages, higher taxes to pay for greater poverty, mortgage fraud, medicare fraud, tax fraud, other crime, higher taxes to pay for indigent healthcare (hospital closings), higher taxes for cost of public schools, price of college, degradation of the military, depletion of resources, paving of farms,burden on the taxpayer and overall congestion than the INCREASE of and change in the nature (more poor, more criminals, e pluribus multum) of the POPULATION since 1965

    1. What is it about the word “illegal” that these “open border” idiots don’t understand. The three absolute necessities for a Republic (not a Democracy) to exist are enforceable borders, a common language, and a common culture. In case you haven’t noticed, these three things have been under constant attack for several decades now and is leading to the country’s demise from within.

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