Antifa protester who attacked pro-Trump activist pleads guilty

Above: article in New York Post

A pro-Trump activist is pledging to take new legal action against the left-wing Antifa follower who assaulted him.

The victim, Mike Cernovich, says his intention is to “find out who is funding” Antifa. Antifa activists have attacked police and Trump supporters during numerous, violent protests since 2016.

Most recently, 32 year old David Campbell plead guilty to felony assault in a 2018 outside a Manhattan nightclub where a conservative “Night for Freedom” party was being held. Campbell punched and kicked Cernovich. Campbell will receive prison time, according to an article in the New York Post.

When the Proud Boys [a far right fraternal organization] got into a street fight with Antifa members, it was a nationwide story. The Mayor and AG tweeted about the street fight. When Antifa attacked a 56-year-old man, silence from the press.

Mike Cernovich to the New York Post

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1 thought on “Antifa protester who attacked pro-Trump activist pleads guilty”

  1. For years I have wondered why no one asks the individual protesters, Who are you, where are you from, how did you get here and where you funded? In so many words…put a face on the protestor.

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