Image from CSPAN
U.S. Attorney General William Barr continues to give provocative new details about the investigation being conducted by U.S. Attorney John Durham regarding the intelligence community’s behavior in the Trump-Russia probe.
In an interview on Fox News Wednesday, Barr said that Durham’s criminal probe is not confined to looking at federal agencies: he’s also looking at “private actors.”
“[Durham is] not just looking at the FBI. He’s looking at other agencies … and also private actors, so it’s a much broader investigation.”
William Barr, U.S. Attorney General
Barr has been speaking publicly about the ongoing probe, he says, in part to correct misreporting and misinformation in the wake of the release of the Justice Department Inspector General report by Michael Horowitz.
It was widely misreported that Horowitz found “no political bias” in the FBI’s behavior investigating the Trump campaign. In fact, Horowitz testified he could not fathom the motivation behind the inexplicable misconduct displayed by three hand-picked FBI teams in the probe. He acknowledged some of the players displayed serious political bias and said that he could not rule that out as a factor in their execution of the botched investigation.
One of the most well documented abuses in the FBI’s investigation was its privacy invasion via repeat wiretapping of one-time Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page as a supposed Russian spy. The political opposition research packet that the FBI used to justify the wiretap had been discredited, but the FBI hid that from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court, according to the Inspector General. Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign had funded the research that was brought to the FBI.
Page was not found to be a spy, after all, and was never charged with any crime. He has not received an apology.
“Also, [Durham] is not just looking at the FISA aspect of it. He is looking at all the conduct both before and after the election,” said Barr in the Fox News interview.

I just want to say THANK YOU for being a real impartial journalist. Thank you for following the story, the whole story no matter were it leads.Most so called journalists have forgotten its an honest press that keeps us all free, not the propaganda that they claim is the truth. Anyone who has a functioning brain should be able to see it for what it is.
You are a true professional. I have such respect for you. American Patriot and top notch journalist. Integrity is the leadership trait that best describes you and your work. Thank you.
Thank you.
You are among the best reporters writing today. I love your material. As a writer that combs the net for potential articles, they are getting more difficult to find.
Thanks for what you do and keep doing it.
Great work!
Brennan, one of the kingpins in the plot to overthrow our duly elected President Donald J Trump, an avowed communist, who out of nowhere ascended to the head of the CIA overnight, during the Obama administration who seems to lie with impunity to Congress, to the media, and to the American people and has said horrible things about our President Donald J Trump, lies,and pure crap with the snarling, twisted face of a demon. Brennan and Clapper, Clapper, head of the NSA, who has already started pointing fingers at Obama, who he said, ordered their intelligence agencies to conduct surveillance against the Trump campaign and the enemies of the Obama administration.
I would start my search with Michael Moore!