A California mother has won a second big settlement in her fight over the government’s unlawful seizure and unauthorized vaccination of her 20-month-old baby who reportedly had suffered reactions to early immunizations.
This time, the victory was over social services and the hospital where the child was vaccinated, according a recent article published in PJMedia.com.
Rachel Bruno had already reportedly been awarded a half a million dollars from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office for its role in the unlawful seizure of the child.
County officials reportedly took the 20-month-old without a warrant in connection with an investigation of a suspicious injury to Bruno’s newborn baby. There were no allegations of abuse or neglect of the 20-month-old, according to reports.
Bruno’s 20-month old was forcibly subjected to medical tests and a battery of immunizations to “catch up” with recommended vaccination schedules — seven shots containing twelve virus’ at once, according to the story. The parents did not consent to the testing or immunizations, says PJMedia.com.
If the child’s pediatrician had been consulted, officials who took custody would have learned that the baby was intentionally being vaccinated at a slower pace than usual after a troubling reaction to early vaccinations, according to the story.
Bruno was separated from her children for forty days while the Sheriff’s Office investigated allegations of a suspicious injury to her newborn. No evidence of abuse or neglect of either child was ever discovered and Bruno was not charged, according to PJMedia.com.
Click on the link below to read the full article and read excerpts of depositions from the social worker and sheriff’s deputy involved:
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Time to charge LEGISLATORS with “practicing medicine without a license”. If they can send people to jail for teaching nutrition without a license, and braiding hair without a license, then this is definitely a jail-able offense.
Every night I am besieged with TV ads for LAWSUITS for BAD “medicines”.
These are the SAME “honorable” corporations that deliberately flooded America with an OPIOD addiction.
The SAME doctors and corporations that overprescribed Opiods to trusting Citizens.
MY body, MY choice, MY rights. Freedom of CHOICE. Right to CHOOSE.
“abortion is “a human right, it’s about having bodily autonomy, it’s about being able to control your physical self.””
Abortion up to and including live birth: My body! My right!
“They” demand the right to decide what goes on with their body until YOU want the SAME THING over vaccines. Refuse vaccines with severe risks clearly printed on insert: Are you trying to get us all killed!?!?!?
What causes Guillain-Barré syndrome? In rare cases vaccinations may increase the risk of GBS. Recently, some countries worldwide reported an increased incidence of GBS following infection with the Zika virus…… What do “they” always say? “If it saves JUST ONE LIFE”
If ONE person gets a vaccine, say for mumps, then that person should be able to circulate through a Mumps Ward with no fear of contracting Mumps. So why are these Thugs soooooo worried about Everybody has to have the Mumps vaccine? Get all the shots you want and you don’t need to worry your pointed little head about ME.
“Children who are not vaccinated are in danger of catching diseases and can spread them to those surrounding them and be the center for outbreaks of serious diseases that can have tragic results,” Moalem-Refaeli noted. REALLY??!! Then your “vaccines” DO NOT WORK.
Government proposes obligatory vaccines. Note logic failure above: if vaccines are effective, what danger do the vaccinated risk if some among them are not vaccinated?
If an immunization causes one to be immune, why would the unimmunized be any kind of threat to one’s health.
Vaccinate your kids or don’t have any..Period.
You’re an idiot
Ur too stupid for words…. Period.
F you! None of your damn business what others decide is best for their family.
You’re a complete moron. Take your vaccinations and enjoy your cancer. if you have children I feel sorry for them because you’ll so mindlessly damage their brains and bodies. You’re a useful idiot Leo…. the pharmaceutical industries wet dream for a model citizen.
You have no idea what you are talking about.!
What a stupid thing to say Leo. Only critical thinkers understand how vaccines can and do cause harm to our dear children. They are little and big pharma wants to pump them with foreign chemicals. What could go wrong?! Imbecile.
why vaccinate with terrible adjuncts. You do not know what you are talking about. And who are you to tell people not to have kids. Must some climate nut case.
They are my kids, you don’t get a say asshole, Period….
You have made vaccination into another false religion.
Sorry Leo that you have such fear of happy & healthy people! Do you think the world will heal with your ridiculously immature & controlling demands? While there’s still much darkness out there that you are sadly addicted to – the light of truth is compassionately breaking through on G-d’s magnificent world. Millions have woken up to their power to reject vaccines & their corrupted & immoral promoters. While my wish for you is to embrace the light & love of vibrant health – it’s your free choice to believe in the truth or media-propagated evil nonsense. Either choice will bring you its energy & karma. I’m thrilled that I was blessed to embrace the truth & wish that for all humanity.
Bull. Parents have authority over their children, not the state. If you want to let the state have THEIR way with your children, then don’t have any children! Get a pet rock.
No. I am 54 and have never been vaccinated. Funny how I don’t consider you qualified to tell me what to do, almost like I have memories of living in free country.
Did you bother to read the article, or just show up for a knee jerk comment based on the headline? The child was being vaccinated, albeit on a slower schedule, due to adverse reactions to previous vaccinations.
Read the article or don’t comment… Period.
@Leo Smith – You obviously didn’t read the entire article… “If the child’s pediatrician had been consulted, officials who took custody would have learned that the baby was intentionally being vaccinated at a slower pace than usual after a troubling reaction to early vaccinations, according to the story.”
Looks like you’re just as fallible as every authority figure being sued successfully here.
Well now, aren’t you a fine communist blind follower.
Control freak? Some people have a religious objection. The First Amendment takes precedence over all federal and state laws.
not in NY now.
It seems that you did not understand that these parents where vaccinating their kid. IF you decide to have kids do your research regarding vaccines or don’t have kids.
How is a vaccinated child in peril from a child that isn’t?
That’s awful to say when the child had severe reactions to the vaccine! Wake up it happens all the time!
First go vaxx yourself and hopefully you will cease to reproduce as a result
Vaccinate yours if that’s how you wish to live and when it comes to what others do, shut your suck and mind your own damn business.
The only vaccination I would get is one for Leo Smith disease. i.e.: stupidity
Are you prescribing for people you haven’t met? Are you even a doctor?
You are unvaccinated as an adult. Why don’t you go in and get caught up on the 72 shots you are over due, seeing how the shots you got are over 5 years and they no longer give you protection. MY BODY MY CHOICE. WERE THERE IS RISK WE DEMAND CHOICE.
The lawsuit outcome is great. But are the kidnappers being prosecuted? If not, why not?
Leo ,,, how do explain the centuries man survived without the vaccinations ?
Your brainwashed
Man has survived eons without vaccines and done pretty well ,,,
Now try to explain autism spectrum and it’s connection to vaccines,,, and downs syndrome ,,, these syndromes where never described in any ancient medical journal’s ???
I’ll wait for your detailed explanation,…
Kinda like the detailed explanation you already supplied , to back up your assertion,,,,,,,
Did you read the article dip shit? They were getting the child vaccinated but at a slower pace because it was having reactions from them.
Money paid, but those who kidnapped the child were not charged and did not go to prison for their crime.
Good for this mom. Parents should to take decision regarding medical procedures not the government. Once your kid is damaged is up to the parents to take care of this kid, Government should be doing the Vaccinated vs. Vaccinated. Study, they should not be violating the sacred roll of parents.
Good for this mom. Parents are entitle to take decision regarding medical procedures for their kids, not the government. Once your kid is damaged is up to the parents to take care of this kid, Government should be doing the Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study, they should not be violating the sacred roll of parents.
Vaccines cause cancer. Don’t do it.
Government does not own citizens. Its the other way around.
Happy they won this case and will get paid, but that will not reverse the damage done. Its far past time for criminal charges against these moronic government brain washed “professionals”.