POLL: Most people believe FISA Court should be eliminated

The majority of respondents in the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com believe that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court should be eliminated.

The FISA court is the one that approves wiretaps against U.S. citizens. There have been a number of controversial wiretaps in recent years, including that of a Trump campaign associate who was never charged with any crime: Carter Page.

Fifty-eight percent (58%) say the FISA court should be eliminated.

Thirty-four percent (34%) stated that the FISA court should be reformed.

Read the full results below. Meantime, be sure and vote in our latest poll at SharylAttkisson.com on the home page. Look for the black box in the right sidebar or scroll way down on the mobile site!

FISA Court should be:

< 1% Unchanged

34% Reformed

6% Checked on more often

58% Eliminated

1% What’s a FISA Court?

Fight improper government surveillance. Support Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI over the government computer intrusions of Attkisson’s work while she was a CBS News investigative correspondent. Visit the Attkisson Fourth Amendment Litigation Fund. Click here.

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1 thought on “POLL: Most people believe FISA Court should be eliminated”

  1. David Custis Kimball

    Isn’t it unConstitutional enough that there is a 72,000+ page instruction book attached to the IRS.
    Unconstitutionally, you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent. You have to prove that you paid; they can lose anything and claim penalty and interest rates of 6%.
    Your employer is forced to collect the employees’ taxes, so he looks like the bad guy…for no pay, no reward (it’s called slavery).
    All these ‘estimated quarterly payments’ are rigged for the IRS house. Like property tax… pay at the end of the year… not all along the year… total bookeeping nightmare… which is in the favor of the IRS ‘House’…

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