Cutting Our Health Care Costs is Simple; Just Not Easy… Guess Why (PODCAST)

Why are some so focused on getting insurance for everyone when many trusted experts say that just spreads around the overtinflated costs and encourages more price hikes?

The true solution is simple. Just not easy. Find out what North Carolina tried.

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2 thoughts on “Cutting Our Health Care Costs is Simple; Just Not Easy… Guess Why (PODCAST)”

  1. Yeah, Good stuff! One of the things that needs to occur is the price of equipment. For example if a hospital buys a new MRI machine all employees and anyone in public should see access to that cost. Then there should be an analysis of how many times that MRI can be used before its first repair, Then divide that cost out per patient. 100% transparency and analysis. I don’t get it. We have tons of technology, brilliant people that know how to set up excel spreadsheets, and every piece of equipment including building costs and maintenance and employees salaries all on a spreadsheets for people to take a look at. Then once that is all done, then start to negotiate and come up with insurances, etc. Medicare is not the answer. Everyone should know that. Thank you. Sharyl, for your great journalism talents and skills!

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