Democrats and Republicans say FISA Court is in jeopardy after intel abuses

The following is an excerpt of my article at

Amid scandal and abuse, reforming the FISA surveillance system will not be easy. But without systemic reform, the secret court at the heart of the government’s surveillance authority may not even survive.

“I don’t even give [the secret FISA Court] a 50-50 chance” of survival in its present form, Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) told Just The News.

Many Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill now say they are in agreement that something transformative must be done to fix shortcomings in the programs that allow government spying on U.S. citizens. But agreement on details is proving elusive. 

Add to the mix that Trump Attorney General William Barr is pressing Congress to authorize an extension of the government’s authority just as it is without reforms. 

The office of Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) told Just The News that Wyden “has long fought for fundamental reforms to surveillance programs to better protect Americans’ rights. [Wyden] believes there should be more transparency … and better protections for due process.” 

Rep. Perry says he is among a significant group in Congress that favors eliminating the FISA court altogether. 

“There’s nothing that can be done to save it legitimately,” he said. “It has to be shut down.” 

There’s nothing that can be done to save it legitimately. It has to be shut down.

Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pennsyvania) rearding FISA Court

A top official on Capitol Hill who asked not to be identified by name said there is “high double digit” support among Democrats for such a measure and “very significant bipartisan support for reforms or elimination.” (Continued…)

Read the entire article at by clicking the link below:

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2 thoughts on “Democrats and Republicans say FISA Court is in jeopardy after intel abuses”

  1. Close the FISA down. They have abused the court. And just where are the judges that were lied to? They can do something, but it seem that they were in on the whole thing.

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