Former National Security Agency “secret squirrel,” George Kroner, explains why it isn’t an easy task to fix issues identified with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court… and why, despite Congressional threats, the Court isn’t likely going anywhere.
He also has some fascinating inside information about the surprising tools the government has at its disposal to listen in on private conversations.
Why is it so difficult to get the news and media to tell the truth about anything? In any other situation, if a person’s life or job is compromised by negligence and willful slander, the victim can have his day in court. If the media lies for their own purpose disregarding possible stress, loss of relationship or income, the people have almost no recourse. Journalists aren’t above the law and yet their lies, badgering, and slander are excused. Do you think it’s possible to put limits on journalists who print willful lies and disinformation dressed up as First Amendment Freedom of the Press? Why must Americans stand by and watch the media ruin lives, trick elections and destroy reputations? Most of us are misinformed and a few are completely UNinformed., yet we vote thinking we are wise and educated. The people who misinform us have become powerful and wealthy as though they’re a new branch of government. Help us figure this out, please. You’re one of the few journalists many of us still trust. Thanks for all you do!
Here here Dee! May this s happen!