READ: Roger Stone judge who made controversial remarks refuses to step back

The judge in the Roger Stone case has answered Stone’s request for her to step back due to alleged bias.


Judge Amy Berman Jackson filed her response today, on a Sunday, no less.

She accused Stone and his lawyers of filing a motion “absent factual and legal support” for the purposes of “public consumption” to associate her with the word “bias.”

Read Judge Amy Berman Jackson’s reply at the USA Today-created link below:

Read more about Stone’s motion here.

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11 thoughts on “READ: Roger Stone judge who made controversial remarks refuses to step back”

  1. …as if there were any doubt. Stepping -back would be the judicial equivalent of self-incrimination, an admission of her inability to do what her job requires. Still, she is not alone, and the story of the Judge in New England who (*along with her clerk/bailiff) delayed Federal law enforcement agents while a defendant was hurried out the back door (*literally) comes to mind. If there were any of the fantasy left that a black robe confers automatic impartiality, I think we can “close that case”:. Then again (*and you being an exception), we used to think the same of journalists. Next thing we know, someone will be telling us there is no Santa Claus.

    1. Jackson seems to be working overtime and particularly zealously to remain the presiding judge and ensure a conviction and jail time..
      Her bias shows even more with her fanatical efforts.

  2. Is she a crooked judge?
    If she were a conservative, people would be looking into her tax return, past tweets, school record, employee evaluations, harassment accusations and purchasing history, and rubbish bins.
    And if all was clean, then a brave conservative black man would accuse her of calling him the N word while sexually assaulting him.

    Ahh, to be a Democrat these days.

  3. She has proven her bias repeatedly throughout the trail and sentencing that is not in questions or even in debate. I do not known if Mr. Stone is innocent or not but she decided that before the first words of the argument were spoken. Too bad Mr. Stone received and activist instead of a jurist, but then Judge Jackson has a large reputation for her hate and activism.

  4. Neither “Law Enforcement” nor the “Legal” system have any honor in this country today. When the fun starts, they will be the first to enjoy the results!!!

  5. One only needs to know she is an Obama appointee to know she is biased against Trump supporter Stone.
    She had no problem when the Obama prosecutors suggested a 7-9 year sentence and was ready to convict until Trump and a belated AG Barr interceded. There is no hope for the country until the Obama judges are removed of overruled by SCOTUS. due to bias.
    Her comment that there was no basis in fact or law was bogus and only reflected her inability to be objective. Everybody can see it when convicted Obama liars get away scot free.

  6. So…

    How long do you think it will take? You know, for those millions of law-abiding gun owners to finally exhaust the last few vaporous whiffs of their patience and restraint, and finally come to the inescapable conclusion that no further good can come from their chosen course?

    I am honestly curious. I don’t have any hard data in front of me, but I suspect that sooner or later, every population which endures an assault of this magnitude must ultimately make the same discovery: that being, that those who they thought to be their friends, have in fact been sharpening their knives throughout their entire ordeal.

    I am too jaded to ascribe to you too many lofty attributes, Ms. Attkisson. Nevertheless, I thank you for the work you’ve done. May posterity preserve the truth of your positions.

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