If it turns out the coronavirus is much like the flu, the majority of respondents (55%) say we should be less panicked about the coronavirus. That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com.
Less than 1% say we should be more panicked about the flu in the same scenario.
Thirty-nine percent (39%) of the respondents say we should be neither more panicked about the flu or less panicked about the coronavirus if they are similiar virus’.
If coronavirus is turning out to be much like flu should we be:
<1% More panicked about the flu
55% Less panicked about coronavirus
39% Neither
5% Both
Thank you for your reports on cv19.
There is entirely too much hype in the ‘media’ about a ‘bug’ they apparently can’t even isolate. Further, it is strange how it is showing up primarily in the areas where 5G was turned on and in Democrat run states and/or cities.
Yet the ‘PTB’ have managed to get it declared a national emergency with far fewer deaths than the yearly flu, all for the sake of destroying the Constitution — yes, destroying the Constitution. The sheeple do not realize how close we are to medical martial law which will completely nullify the Constitution. If they go that far, no one will be safe from ‘false positives’ on test which do not even exist (see AP reporter Steve Peoples search for a test) for a ‘disease’ that is ‘man-made’. Panick and fear are their game for more money, control, and lose of our freedoms.
Thanks again for honesty in reporting.
Hello I read one of the reasons you left CBS was because of reluctance on their part to allow a report on the swine flu to air is this true? Regardless this story is why I am your newest fan. I have been Googling you and appreciate your work immensely thank you.
I am including a investigative journalism of my own I apologize the links have gone missing thus the reasons for the text layout.
This is something that I wish you could address
So after a little research I have discovered what I find interesting. I have not made a conclusion as of yet but I am asking this question now. What are the odds this is not as bad as it is being made out to be? Now I ask this because I have the luxury to ask it. I am amazed how quickly things are being shut down all the while I hear news but its very Orwellian I see nothing myself. Please do not attack me about this it is my nature to question everything. Can someone please tell me of a personal interaction with the actual virus? Whether you got it yourself or know someone who got it?
Coronavirus Cases:
70,381 as of 10:30 pm 2/12 /20 Where as : The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that swine flu infected nearly 61 million people in the United States and caused 12,469 deaths. Worldwide, up to 575,400 people died from pandemic swine flu. We didn’t close anything at that time to my recollection. I am simply asking why the difference with Covid 19 ? Its estimated 1.5 BILLION got H1N1 worldwide. Did we shut down everything we are shutting down now?
Hello I read one of the reasons you left CBS was because of reluctance on their part to allow a report on the swine flu to air is this true? Regardless this story is why I am your newest fan. I have been Googling you and appreciate your work immensely thank you.
I am including a bit of investigative journalism of my own I apologize the links have gone missing thus the reasons for the text layout.
This is something that I wish you could address
So after a little research I have discovered what I find interesting. I have not made a conclusion as of yet but I am asking this question now. What are the odds this is not as bad as it is being made out to be? Now I ask this because I have the luxury to ask it. I am amazed how quickly things are being shut down all the while I hear news but its very Orwellian I see nothing myself. Please do not attack me about this it is my nature to question everything. Can someone please tell me of a personal interaction with the actual virus? Whether you got it yourself or know someone who got it?
Coronavirus Cases:
70,381 as of 10:30 pm 2/12 /20
Where as : The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that swine flu infected nearly 61 million people in the United States and caused 12,469 deaths. Worldwide, up to 575,400 people died from pandemic swine flu. We didn’t close anything at that time to my recollection. I am simply asking why the difference with Covid 19 ? Its estimated 1.5 BILLION got H1N1 worldwide. Did we shut down everything we are shutting down now?
it was one of many stories that led to me wanting to leave CBS but it took a lot of time for them to build up to a tipping point. In between, they did air a lot of great stories.
Thank you for the response. I listened to your podcast on Covid 19 right after posting. You basically answered all my questions right there. Keep up the good work.
The flu annually has killed, generally, far more than Covid 19 at this point. The stats for 2017 flu in the US alone were 33 million infected with 80,000 deaths according to CDC and CNN. To put that in to perspective the flu season then was 19 weeks. 19 into 80,000 = 4210, divided by 168 the number of hours in a week = 25. 4210 people died each week, 25 persons per hour. If that statistic was blasted by the media 24/7 then would they have been calling for a near total shutdown of the global and especially US economy?? Why did’nt we? Right now there are 36700 cases of Corona….globally….There are 16,000 deaths globally. This year in US 23,000 have died from the flu. Not making light of Corona… it is to be taken seriously but the numbers are not matching the media driven panic response.”due to concern for life”. 3 million die a year globally due to flu…..16000 so far from Corona. If we are concerned why are we not quarantining the vulnerable and letting the virus run its course through the human immune system and fade out like most all viruses do. Makes me wonder if there is not another political agenda behind all this loving concern