These seven terms were not invented with Covid-19, but odds are they were not part of your vocabulary before the 2020 pandemic.
Social distancing
This term of art has been around for quite some time in public health. But only now does this notion of keeping one’s distance from his fellow man roll off the tongues of many Americans.
This anti-malaria medication has been used for decades. President Trump and coronavirus made it a household name when several studies showed promise in using it to treat coronavirus patients in the early days of their symptoms. Studies are currently underway to determine if it can also be used to prevent coronavirus.
Flattening the curve
Most of us are now familiar with this terminology used for the idea of spreading out the rate at which Americans get infected, so that hospitals are not overwhelmed at once.
Antibody tests
Antibody tests could help us figure out who has been infected with Covid-19 but never knew it. Scientists suggest these people could be safe to live their lives without fear of getting reinfected or spreading infection to others. Research has found more than 80% of people who get Covid-19 have mild or no symptoms. Now, many Americans are talking about those antibody tests!
The fear that we would be short thousands of ventilators never came to pass. But ventilators or “vents” became part of the daily dialogue as the U.S. response to the pandemic progressed.
Stay at home orders
None of us have ever before been subject to national “stay at home” orders by our governments. Few people probably ever contemplated the possibility. But the phrase and the notion became routine.
Elbow bumps and toe taps
These alternate ways of greeting people without swapping germs have become familiar to many Americans in the age of coronavirus.
And don’t forget the ever-popular “contactless delivery”
What about, “the WuFlu” ?
N° 8 would be Disinfectant.
Sounds crazy but first human study started last month:
Determination of the Effectiveness of Oral Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID 19
It is the strongest tool against bacteria, fungus and viruses. Usually used to clean the water. Up to now only used on cows if there is an infected udder, because that’s the only way the milk is still sell-able.
Anyway it works, I use it orally since five years diluted in water in ppm range.
Forced isolation. Tyranny. Socialism. Full retard. Overreach. Civil rights. Constitution. Flatten the lies. No new normal. Stop Bill Gates.
My list is more agenda factual.