Human research ethics, a scientist’s China connection, and opportunity zones

In recent years, there have been numerous cases of researchers using questionable ethics in their experiments on humans.

A new dispute has grown around a medical implant offered to prison inmates in Louisiana. Critics say the project qualifies as a medical experiment and has not been approved by the FDA. Supporters, including the makers of the implant, say it is not experimental and they do not need FDA approval for what they’re doing.

Sunday on Full Measure, well look at both sides in the controversy.

Also, James Rosen joins us with a fascinating examination of an American scientist who came to the defense of China in the coronavirus outbreak. Wait until you hear who the scientist is connected to.

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C. (left)

And Senator Tim Scott speaks with me about “opportunity zones” and the role they may play in helping troubled neighborhoods recover from the economic disaster caused by the coronavirus shut down.

We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure

Order “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism” by Sharyl Attkisson today at Harper Collins, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, IndieBound, Bookshop!

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2 thoughts on “Human research ethics, a scientist’s China connection, and opportunity zones”

  1. Ms. Attkissin, I regret that here in Washington near Seattle, KOMO TV, the local
    Sinclair station has not shown your show for the last two Sundays. It was usually on at 10:00AM and 11:35PM. No morning show and the late night time slot has been
    taken over by and extended Eric Bolling show. We really miss watching your show.

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