Recent data from New York appears to contradict the widespread proclamations that the answer to beating coronavirus is self-isolating and staying at home.
According to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, two-thirds (66%) of patients recently hospitalized for coronavirus had self-isolated at home.
The stats were provided to state officials by 113 hospitals.
Although Cuomo says he found the numbers “shocking,” numerous immunologists and other scientists have questioned whether staying at home is the right tact. They point to numerous reasons why they say self-isolating in the home could make matters worse.
Two doctors recently gave a talk saying it is “Immunology 101” that people with healthy immune systems should not isolate themselves from germs– coronavirus included. They say the exposure is needed for people to develop health antibodies and immune systems. After the video went viral, YouTube pulled it down.
There is no immediate answer as to why so many of New York’s patients came from homes where they reported having followed recommendations to isolate.
“This is a surprise,” the governor told reporters at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research in Manhasset, New York. “Sixty-six percent of the people were at home, which is shocking to us.”
Andrew Cuomo, N.Y. Governor
According to New York State data, about 18% of hospitalized coronavirus patients came from nursing homes, 4% from assisted-living facilities, 2% were homeless, and 66% came from isolation in their own homes.
“They’re not working; they’re not traveling,” Cuomo said. “We were thinking that maybe we were going to find a higher percent of essential employees who were getting sick because they were going to work, that these may be nurses, doctors, transit workers: that’s not the case. They were predominantly at home.”
Read more here:
I do not know what this proves one way or the other. Just because someone sheltered in place what did that mean exactly? Did the person have visitors? How old were they? What comorbidities did they have? You don’t get Covid 19 from the Covid fairy. I understand the point which is gaining more and more traction as people are frustrated the longer this shelter in place thing stays in place.
The truth is evidently the virus doesn’t care whether you shelter in place or not. It also doesn’t care if your right wing or left wing. I see the human reaction is quite clown car-esque. Its interesting how we all wont leave our respective camps. The left looks at it their way and the right look at it theirs.
I believe were incapable of truly being united, well until we see something that leaves you no choice.
Keep defending the lockdown despite the fact that it didn’t work, and flattening the curve turned out to be unnecessary. There is no fact that can’t be explained away.
I was incredulous that you spoke somewhat favorably about the video done by a quack “scientist” Very disappointed.
Which study? Atkisson says “data cited”-
here is the article- the part about stay-at-home infections is addressed here-
or are you referring to the banned youtube?
Not sure why this has to be a left or right wing view. It’s only shocking cause most of experts recommend staying home but there is evidence in herd immunity as well. Keep those sheltered that have co-morbidities but otherwise shud be treated like any other contagious virus. Practice good hygiene and stay home if sick.
The virus…..much like an evil Santa Claus…..spirits itself down your chimney while you’re asleep……you wake up in the morning and BAM!!!!!! he fat jolly old guy gave you the bug?
When’s the movie comin’ out?
Are you referring to the two Kern CA area ER docs who posted their own results with patients?
Im sure everyone of them who is not lying had to leave the house to buy food and were exposed in the grocery store.
Thank you Ms. Attkisson for your reporting, I try to watch your Sunday show when I can. It is the best of “mainstream” reporting, though I’m not sure that;’s much of a compliment.