Just 38% of voters say American society is generally fair and decent. Nearly half (47%) say it’s unfair and discriminatory.
That’s according to a recent poll by Scott Rasmussen.
Rasmussen says he began in the 1990s asking whether Americans view their country as fair and decent. Back then, two-thirds of those polled said the U.S. is fair and decent. One-third said it is not.
Rasmussen reports a strong partisan divide in the results.
Sixty-two percent (62%) of Republicans say our society is fair and decent.
But 69% of Democrats say it is unfair and indecent.
More voters who call themselves independent side with Democrats: 45% say unfair/indecent; 31% say fair/decent.
White voters come down 50-50 on the question.
But 77% of Black voters say American society is unfair and discriminatory.
Forty-nine percent (49%) of Hispanic voters see it as unfair and indecent.
What Democrats don’t understand.
You can burn down buildings or destroy statues but you can not destroy the God given desire for liberty and freedom.
That burns in the heart of Americans and is the root of what makes America great!
Ultra-controversial Confederate General statues could easily be restored and moved from outdoor public sites to locked and gated museums, not thoughtlessly destroyed. So could all of pre-World War One statues for that matter. They’re works of art of course. Mount Rushmore must never be defaced so 10 years in prison for anyone caught trying to do so.
Why not create more modern statues? Generals Patton, MacArthur, and Ridgway, for examples, could replace older more controversial ones.
No statue of oppressive Communist figures like Lenin, Stalin, or Khrushchev belongs in any open outdoor public place in the United States but perhaps in some kind of Cold War-honoring museum.
Again, indoors, locked and gated!
Our history is to be examined and understood but not forgotten. We must learn from our past; mistakes can be used to further ourselves. Life isn’t fair; life in the United States isn’t fair. It never will be. Anywhere! We’re each born differently to unique circumstances. That continues until death. Way it is. We should all further and fully mature to accept this while we strive for perfection to provide equal justice for all under the law.
I personally would like to see a statue honoring Justice Clarence Thomas plus many more of Dr. Martin Luther King.. Then we must ask ourselves if we are really civilized enough as a society to display them in unlocked public places at open sites without gates where children could freely walk up to them to touch them, maybe rub their noses and even kiss them.
We obviously are not there yet this is not out of reach for the United States of America, God willing.
Looks like the constant pounding on the drums by the media is working.
I can’t trust polls for anything since so many are done by leftist progressive democrats. They just poll a select group that always leans the way they want the results to show. TOTALLY BOGUS
Just 38%?
Let’s all offer our heartfelt thanks to the progressive monstrosity, public education, for decreasing views of American life. They have been working hard toward this since at least the late ‘50’s, and very hard since the 60’s,, hand in hand with “legacy media” (Pay no attention to what you see. Believe our tripe.). What a joke., and the joke is on us.
Say goodnight, Gracie.
Well, that’s a fine howdy-do. Some folks are never satisfied. But who’s fault is that? Wallowing in self-pity seems to be a way of life and it’s amazing, actually, with all the “feel-good” remedies being advertised everywhere one goes. Maybe too much pampering is at fault. Maybe teaching kids how to be something they’re not, like pretending there’s more than two genders. Maybe if the majority of adult role models weren’t flat-out pedophiles (ie. priests, Boy Scout leaders)….maybe that would help. Maybe if children were taught reading, writing and arithmetic, along with civics, social studies and history instead of under-water basket weaving and how to dress in drag…maybe that would help. Maybe showing more respect for life instead of the constant drumbeat encouraging abortions.
I would LOVE to know where the malcontents in this country think a better country exists!! Why don’t they GO there? They have had millions of our ancestors die for their freedom to speak freely, but burning and looting makes them happier, and no one with a dissenting opinion to theirs is allowed to have an opinion. i’m starting to feel angry and frustrated with those idiot leaders on the Left who are encouraging this behavior while they sit and fiddle and stoke the fires of hatred! The GOP deserve a kick in the teeth too, because they have done NOTHING about the DACA deal, which is really unfair to those people because they’re living in limbo. The GOP haven’t come up with their healthcare plan either, but they’re going to try to cancel Obamacare, so they’re handing the Left a major campaign issue! They have let the Left and the Chinese “educate” (more like brainwash) our youth too, so that voting block has been corrupted, for sure, and our kids are a bunch of wimpy snowflakes. Then we have the big tech companies, all big libs giving BLM millions of dollars to buy their affection, and then they want to import VISA workers because they don’t want to hire Americans…………. I remember when the Golden Rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” was, for a lot of folks, the law of the land. .Has HYPOCRISY become the MAIN character trait of the American people??
I work in education. When I see students wear T-shirts with the hammer and sickle or Che Guevara, I flinch. They say that America is unfair and indecent. I ask them, “As opposed to what country in the world, is America so unfair and unjust?” They have no idea. Well, I do. I’m an immigrant from Russia (born and raised in the USSR). I definitely can create a gigantic Venn Diogram to point out all the differences, starting with what socialism, Marxism, and communism really are.
It is so frustrating and heartbreaking that so many Americans, according to the poll, don’t value the liberty, freedom, and opportunity they have in this country. I would switch my childhood in the USSR with theirs in the USA without hesitation if there were a time machine. Unfortunately, when I try to tell my story and explain to them that America is still the best country in the world, they call me racist, which obviously cuts any meaningful conversation like a cancel culture click on Twitter. How can people who live in a land of opportunity (and it’s not a cliche) claim that it’s unfair and indecent? This claim, ironically, includes unfairness in itself because it is unfair towards the real struggles and oppression that people in other countries went / are going through. There is no perfection in this world, and human nature obviously plays a number of different roles in any society. However, judging history by the morals of the modern world is insanity. Celebrating breakthrough American victories is moving forward to more fairness, decency, and civility. If only people could appreciate what they have…
As an educator I would hope you would realize that the United States is not the Unites States of old. It’s in stark contrast to what it once represented and has been hijacked by an overzealous elite. The country once upon a time was about unity, and now that that has been destroyed, what you will find is what you have now. An American wasteland. Not everyone wants the same things out of life you see, so when you have a paramedic complaining about how a fast food worker wants to earn fifteen dollars an hour, but doesn’t take in consideration that in even in the ’90s and early ‘2000’s, the working class earned more than half of what they earn today, due to changes in hours and overtime pay limits, and further limits on their compensation over the course of time to where we’re today, which ate away at what little they once did hold, because they didn’t pursue a degree, or a career, or job doing what someone else deems acceptable and fitting work, but what that paramedic doesn’t realize is that she receives far more hours for her work, and far more pay, but she mocks the working class for wanting fifteen dollars an hour to pass fries through a window, as she put it so fittingly in line beside me, and I overheard her conversation while I waited on my teller, but what she doesn’t understand is that the working class isn’t receiving even fifteen dollars an hour, much less fourteen dollars an hour for their toil. They’re receiving far less than that I would suspect, because I’m one, and she also mocks people with disabilities that might hold these very positions, and the pious. What she doesn’t understand is that she isn’t jealous of what they earn an hour, but that they can survive on much less than her and make the best of it, something the paramedic refuses to do, because she complains about having to go through two years of schooling, and that she only earns fourteen dollars an hour and gets spit on for saving the lives of others, but what she doesn’t realize is that the working class earns a meek fifteen thousand or less a year, while she floats by on much more than that, but she mocks them and belittles the less fortunate all while claiming to save the lives of others, and therein lies the disparities between the two. And the problem. One believes the other is superior, regardless of the obstacles preventing the other from obtaining better work, a better position, education, enlightenment, or any other thing of investment or value over the course of a life, but the person making more money is superior to the other. So, we’re beating down and not helping up. Perhaps this is why our society is so violent.
When I was a child, I had a teacher who insisted that people who work in a convenience store were less superior to her high role as a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, because anyone working in a convenience store was a waste of life. I also worked for a man who owned his own business and insisted that I worked in a drive thru. It was just that it was a medical drive thru. I worked for a drug rehab center at the time, and he didn’t like the fact that I had errors in my writing in my tech log, for which I’m a dyslexic, so you’ll have to forgive me, along with a high school dropout, thus I’m uneducated at least as far as paper goes.
Well, continue to discriminate against us. Maybe the people who don’t value that kind of work are the problem, because those stores exist within society for a reason, and I’ve personally held those positions, so I suspect life will go on and people will continue to work and achieve some kind of success for themselves, and someone has to toil away at those dead-end jobs. It certainly won’t be you.
Education won’t solve the disparities between the classes much more than money will.
Your friend in the dark, lovingly.