The following is a news analysis
Alert: some of the video images may be disturbing
Racial tensions and violence continue to escalate amid the discussion and media coverage of numerous incidents.
Some of the events did not lead to violence but garnered national attention.
There was the New York woman who was videotaped calling the police to complain of an African-American man she claimed was threatening her and her dog. She repeatedly mentioned the man’s race.
The black man was a bird watcher having a dispute with the woman because she had unleashed her dog in an area of the park that required leashes.
There was the African-American Georgia legislator who falsely claimed in a tearful Facebook video that a white shopper (who says he’s actually Cuban) had told her to “go back” where she came from. Many in the media blamed President Trump’s rhetoric. In fact, the legislator, Rep. Erica Thomas, later acknowledged that she was the one who told the man to “go back.”
And most people recall the Jussie Smollett fiasco, in which the black actor falsely claimed white Trump supporters had attacked him and put a noose around his neck.
There have been true, violent cases as well.
In 2017, four African-Americans tortured a disabled white youth.
In 2018, a white man allegedly attempted to enter a black church before killing two African-Americans in a supermarket in Kentucky.
In 2019, a white supremacist drove a car into a group of protesters in Virginia, killing a young woman and injuring dozens of people.
Also in 2019, a 16-year old white girl allegedly plotted to attack a mostly black church in Georgia.
These are just a few of the cases that have made headlines in recent years.
There has also been a string of incidents involving white police officers being accused of brutality and racism against black suspects: most recently, the death of George Floyd, an African-American suspect, surrounding an encounter with a white police officer in Minneapolis; and the death of a black suspect in Atlanta shot by police after resisting arrest and fleeing.
In both of these incidents, the police officers have been charged with crimes.
All of this has stoked organized protests and riots internationally. Some are calling to abolish the police. Others say systemic racism needs to be erased. Rioters are defacing and destroying statues of historic American figures that they associate with racism.
And there has been an apparent uptick in alleged black-on-white racial attacks in the wake of it all, as well as attacks on police officers.
Leaders in the U.S. within both political parties, as well as leaders around the world, have a tall order in figuring out how to de-escalate the tensions and resolve the issues.
Below are widely circulated videos of some of the alleged racial encounters. As always, it is not possible to draw firm conclusions from videos. But it seems clear that racial tensions are only heightening.
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Our country needs a comprehensive list of the deaths, injuries, and property damage that has occurred as a part of the protests (riots) since George Floyd’s death. We see individual incidents like Mr. Dorn in St. Louis, Mr. Underwood in Oakland, and Mr. Beaty in Indianapolis, i have heard of reports of hundreds of injuries. Someone on the radio report that 58 police have died in the last 40 days, but i am not sure what was part of the riots or not. Mark Levin reported a week ago a list of 170 buildings burned down – but since then more have been burned down.
But there is no news source putting it all together and it needs to be reported. You would think that CNN would have a banner with the death and injury count at least each night as the protests continue. We are told these are “peaceful protests’ — but how peaceful are they? George Floyds death was disturbing and wrong, however, does it justify killing others and injuring hundreds more ???
You are the only independent news source out there that puts together these valuable lists to keep us informed — please help with this important task
Todd and Sharyl :
It’s B L M M, folks—not “BLM.”
That report clarifies, by HSU’s
bad/cowardly treatment
of one of its female students,
what the ACTUAL message IS:
Black Lives Matter More !
What needs to be addresed is the combatitive combined attacks of the tyrannical left. It isobvious that variousrogue actors are fanning the flames of protest into dangerous levels ofdeadly protest. When you see tractor trailers dropping off pallets of bricks at protest sites that ought to get the attention of a abiding citizen. .
Sharyl, have you studied the Greek
White females – radical feminists – have emasculated
their White males into a tragic state of inaction and fear.
Here’s why the West is in decline:
Feminists’/Marxists’ F O R C E D
Integration of diverse tribes:
There’s much to Learn about our time, Sharyl—from Aristotle:
Aristotle, on race-mixing:
“Another cause of revolution is
difference of races which do not
at once acquire a common spirit;
for a state is not the growth of
a day, any more than it grows out
of a multitude brought together
by accident. Hence the reception
of strangers in colonies, either
at the time of their foundation
or afterwards, has generally
produced revolution.”
> on bad democracy:
“[T]he last form of democracy . . .
[in which] all share alike . . .
[and] the leaders have been in the
habit of including as many as they
can, and making citizens not only
of those who are legitimate, but
even of the illegitimate . . . This
is the way in which demagogues
proceed. Whereas the right thing
would be to make no more additions
when the numbers of the commonality
exceeds that of the notables and of
the middle class,–beyond this not
to go . . . [these] measures taken
by tyrants appear all of them to be
democratic. Such a government will
have many supporters, for most
persons would rather live in a
disorderly than in a sober manner.”
> on how to install bad democracy:
“Fresh tribes and brotherhoods should
be established; the private rites of
families should be restricted and
converted into public ones; in short,
every contrivance should be adopted
which will mingle the citizens with
one another and get rid of old
In fact, in his POLITICS, Aristotle
lists 7 or so societies which had
turned to bloody revolution because
of incoming tribes.
He’s a very tough read, because of his
long paragraphs, packing them tightly
with sound logic, using extrapolation
to draw accurate conclusions.
P.S. You’ve covered that C’ville false flag?
The fact that there is black on white crime is not news. Well not news that needs to be reported in this way anyway. We are simply a society propagandized by anger and fear. And we are also told to just work hard and pick a side and stick to it. This article does what exactly? What is the point of this article
Ms. Atkinson? Its purpose is lost on me. It does nothing but further the anger fear narrative IMHO.
I suppose I am to state my side now and obviously I am not siding with the angry fear point of view.
So that must make me a bleeding heart liberal. I am supposed go on a tie-raid white shaming you and telling you how blacks are a misunderstood heavily oppressed race. Well neither is true in my case honestly.
I seek truth not narratives.
Mark Oday:
LEFT-driven MSM have hidden important knowledge from at-large society—for decades.
Read this article, Mark, about the hidden statistics on black-on-white crime in America (( mainstream media refuse to report the awful impact that black men have had on society in the U.S. )).
This brave journalist – like Sheryl – is a truth-
teller (( don’t know what happened to him, after
publishing this report )).
I had captured it 1997:
“Paul Sheehan, an Australian reporter, dug out the following Information for an article in the Sydney Morning Herald, May 2, 1995.
“Sheehan based his statistics on crime data compiled by the FBI and partially reported each year in The FBI Uniform Crime Report . These reports can be
researched at the FBI’s website, http://www.fbi.gov.
“Since the FBI doesn’t distinguish between Hispanics and whites, Sheehan’s statistics don’t adequately reflect the black-on-white crime situation.
“Only about 10-15% of Hispanics are white, with the rest being Indian or a mixture of white, American Indian, and blacks.
“Hispanic crime rates are almost as high as black crime rates. This means that the data Sheehan compiled on inter-racial crime is probably grossly understated since a considerable portion of the “white against black” crime actually is Hispanic-against-black crime. (Information about this aspect of inter-racial crime will be presented in a related article.)
“Here is the information Sheehan uncovered in his analysis of the FBI’s crime reports:
-“Blacks murder more than 1,600 whites each year.
-“Blacks murder whites at 18 times the rate whites murder blacks.
-“Blacks murdered, raped, robbed, or assaulted about one million whites In 1992.
-“In the last 30 years, blacks committed 170 million violent and non-violent crimes against whites.
-“Blacks under 18 are more than 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than whites under 18.
-“About 90% of the victims of interracial crimes are white.
-“Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than whites, although whites outnumber blacks by 7 to 1.
-“On a per capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crime than whites.
-“Black neighborhoods are 35 times more violent than white neighborhoods.
-“Of the 27 million nonviolent robberies in 1992, 31% (8.4 million) were committed by blacks against whites. Less than 2% were committed by whites against blacks.
-“Of the 6.6 million violent crimes, 20% (1.3 million) were interracial.
-“Of the 1.3 million interracial violent crimes, 90% (1.17 million) are black against white.
-“In the past 20 years, violent crime increased four times faster than the population.
-“In the last 30 years (1964-94), more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders compared to 38,000 killed in Korea and 58,000 in Vietnam.
-“Sheehan commented that the contents of his article could not possibly be published or discussed in the U.S. mainstream media.
-“In the last 50 years, the white part of the American population has declined from 90% to 72%.
“The U.S. now has about 33 million blacks and 25 million Hispanics (legal and illegal). By the year 2050, American whites will be a minority, just 49%. By 2100, whites will be 25% of the population.
-“What will life for whites be like in the future?”
-end of report
Mark, do you now understand
why Sharyl’s article is so relevant
in 2020?
This can only escalate. The lack of consequences and punishment used against such senseless violence will embolden more such acts. Eventually, these thugs will run into people who will fight back and that is quite likely to continue to spiral out of control.
This is how it starts.
I watched the first two of the videos in this article, rest said “the media can’t be played.” Now the first two say the same thing. Just thought you should know. The little t in a circle (information) just takes me to their “policy” but nothing specific about these particular videos.
Hi, Myra and Sharyl:
This scribbler began his battle against
E M O T I O N – D R I V E N Leftism in
I’ve 1000-plus essays addressing the
psychology driving our attachment
to left or right political affiliation—
premised on the phenomenon of our
dichotomous brain-hemisphericity:
The left hemisphere is logical
( rightists’ brain ) while the right is
emotional ( leftists’ brain).. Keep in
mind the phenomenon of cross-
lateralization, where the left brain
control the right side of the body
( politic) and the right brain controls
the left side of the body ( politic ).
So, left hemisphere ( male ) drives
right-wing politics, and right hemis-
phere ( female ) drives left-wing
Rightists advance rule of law while
leftists have an E M O T I O N A L
aversion to any authority: fathers,
teachers, Ten Commandments,
laws, police, . . .
Lawlessness today is product of free-
rein L E F T I S M, as R I G H T I S M
( father ) has been unable to stop
Leftism’s ( mother’s ) hear-me-roar
radical Marxism/Feminism/
Leftists/libertines/liberals in MSM
have been hiding from at-large
society their mind-blowing bad im-
pact on the West today – on good
civil society! – as compared with the
degree of high-culture civility in,
say, 1950.
Re-read the hidden-from-the-public
FBI crime stats, posted above.
Note how crime stats have been
skewed AWAY from any truth-telling,
by Leftism-driven agencies and MSM :
Crime has gotten progressively worse in the last 25 years, as cities cook the books on crime rates to keep the natives quiet—so present-day FBI stats do no reflect reality: It is really, really bad out there!!!; so , Frodo, don’t go out your door! // Google “cooking the books on crime.” // For example, thousands of rape kits in crime labs have gone unprocessed across America, over 40 years, because the CDC hopes to keep hidden how results had been breaking down, racially: about 80% black male, 15% Latino, and 5% White. // White and Asian males have higher IQs, a more even (( less violent! )) temperament, and are far better at passing that marshmallow test than black and Latino men. // White males have developed/brought us the highest high-culture civilization in world history. // Marxian liberals’/libertines’’ vitriol spewed from that atheism-oriented Democrat Party (( recall it’s thrice denial of G_d, during its convention )) towards Christians!—reflects HATRED of that civilizing religion. // Rabbi Daniel Lapin wrote a piece in the Nineties about our severe decline (( Google “Rabbi Daniel Lapin Hollywood incivility”—it might get you there. )).
Are you commenting on a topic or posting your unpublished book one paragraph at a time. I seen your name over and over with long, long posts that seem to go all over the place. WTF?
“…it seems clear that racial tensions are only heightening…”, which seems very true and for some reason someone somewhere is able to benefit from it. probably not far from the old and tested strategy of divide et impera. so let’s follow the money, because who is able to facilitate the violence, and how is it possible that racial antagonism can develop so desastrously?
Communist George Soros is T-H-E
international terrorist driving global
wars—and intra-national conflicts.
So, why has our DOJ not named
him as such, and called for his
arrest?—because our DOJ – like
our Supreme Court – is compro-
mised by treasonous men
and women.
re: JungianINTP
Because every president from G HW Bush to Obama has been a globalist, intent on pushing socialism along. The globalists are the Deep State, which is why they HATE Trump.
This is a better copy of my above post,
re P S Y C H O L O G Y driving Left/Right
political conflict (( copy to paper, for
future reference )):
Hi, Myra and Sharyl:
This scribbler began his battle against E M O T I O N-driven Leftism in 1963.
I’ve 1000-plus essays addressing the psychology driving our attachment to left or right political affiliation, premised on the phenomenon of our dichotomous brain:
The left hemisphere is logical ( rightists’ brain ) while the right is emotional ( leftists’ brain). Keep in mind the phenomenon of cross-lateralization, where the left brain controls the right side of the body ( politic ) and the right brain controls the left side of the body ( politic ).
So, the left hemisphere ( masculine ) drives right-wing politics, and right hemisphere ( feminine ) drives left-wing politics.
Rightists advance rule of law ( note how clean rightists’ Tea Party was, litter-free, afterwards, with park police marveling at the attention to leaving the area clean) while leftists have an emotional aversion to any rules/authority: fathers, teachers, Ten Commandments, laws, police, . . . ( their gatherings are always litter-strewn andthe people needs-bath grungy—recall
how filthy Occupy Wall Street folks were, including that thug who dropped trow – in broad daylight – and crapped on a police car ).
Lawlessness today is product of free-rein L E F T I S M, as rightists ( father ) have been unable to stop Leftism’s ( mother’s ) radical, hear-me-roar Marxism/Feminism/Communism.
Leftists/libertines/liberals in MSM have been hiding from at-large society their mind-blowing bad impact on the West – on good civil society! – as compared with the degree of high-culture civility in, say, 1950.
Read hidden-from-the-public FBI crime statistics about off-the-charts black and Latino criminality.
Note how crime stats have been skewed AWAY from any truth-telling, by Leftism-driven agencies and MSM :
Crime has gotten progressively worse in the last 25 years, as cities cook the books on crime rates to keep the natives quiet—so present-day FBI stats do no reflect reality: It is really, really bad out there!!!; so , Frodo, don’t go out your door! // Google “cooking the books on crime.” // For example, thousands of rape kits in crime labs have gone unprocessed across America, over 40 years, because the CDC hopes to keep hidden how results had been breaking down, racially: about 80% black male, 15% Latino, and 5% White. // White and Asian males have higher IQs, a more even ( less violent! ) temperament, and are far better at passing that marshmallow test than black and Latino men. // White males have developed/brought us the highest high-culture civilization in world history. // Marxian liberals’/libertines’’ vitriol spewed from that atheism-oriented Democrat Party towards Christians ( recall Democrat conventioneers’ thrice denial of G_d, during their convention )—reflects HATRED of that civilizing religion. // Rabbi Daniel Lapin wrote a piece in the Nineties about our severe moral/cultural decline ( Google “Rabbi Daniel Lapin Hollywood incivility”—it might get you there ).
re the
spying on you,
Black man plays victim, after hitting passing woman:
Genetic inequalities EFFECT
racial inequalities EFFECT
inter-racial conflicts, to EFFECT:
Black L I E S Matter—as “Hands
up; don’t shoot!” DID NOT happen!
If that lie had been aggressively
exposed by conservatives, then
George Floyd’s death may have
had less triggering impact on
blacks, who are easily triggered
because of, generally low IQ and
HOT temperament (( due, in part,
to inherently high testosterone
levels—high as compared with
Asian and White males ))..
I believe there are new studies on the testosterone level differences that have debunked that theory. Also, low-IQ doesn’t cause hot temperaments, just like the color of one’s skin does not cause low-IQ’s or genetic inequalities. Sounds like pure hogwash to me, JungianINTP….admit it. I do agree that the “Hands up, don’t shoot” is a massive lie, but the liberal, left-wingnut MSM is to blame for that, because no matter how much conservatives expose their lies they persist in pounding them into society’s sub-conscious. When they stop that drumbeat perhaps things will have a chance to return to reality.
If there has been any debunking,
it hasn’t been vetted through New
Scientist magazine or Science
Daily or anywhere else in major
science news—that I’ve read.
There are radical feminists who
argue against T’s influence, be-
cause . . . well . . . THEY SAY SO!
What drives the difference in
aggression between a pit bull and
a poodle, Susan? Estrogen?
BTW, women who supplement with T
are warned about a possible slide
toward more aggressive reactions
to stressful situations.
I’m reminded of the morning I was
preparing to lift weights, and had
accidentally grabbed my wife’s bottle
of estrogen tablets, thinking it was
my bottle of protein supplements.
I became so weak, within about
ten minutes, I had to put off working
out that day.
Re IQ:
Susan, the laws of genetics are
universal—for plants and animals
and men.
New Scientist’s latest issue features
research indicating IQ is MOSTLY due
to genetics.
So, humans may breed toward lower IQ
—or take care in their mating.
Re Skin Color:
How do you tell the personality differ-
ence between, say, a pit bull and a
Are you a non-dogist, treating both the
same, or do you use appearances to
identify danger—and be far more careful
around pits (( during one of her shows,
Judge Judy blasted pit owners, chastising
them for not appreciating how inherent-
ly dangerous pits are, citing many deaths
of children and adults by them )).
Well, Asians are judged not by their color
or physical appearance, but by their
general social character—which APPEAR-
ANCE may identify.
Do you get that?
So, too, for black and white people.
Verify, then trust!
We’ve been told that racists are groomed
in the home, by racist white parents.
I’ve been arguing for decades, that the
more-serious/more-direct cause is
nightly news—local and national.
So, somebody has noticed how mug shots
on nightly news might be contributing to
racist attitudes. Can’t have that, in this
Orwellian time :
Mug shots are too ‘racial’ and won’t be released, says major police force
More grooming of W H I TE racists, via
mug shots shown on nightly news—one
more example causing anti-black racism:
MSM still is silent about this W H I T E woman’s
murder—dead because she said, “All lives matter” :
And what of that W H I T E woman near the gutted 3rd precinct
(( first major riot )), who was stripped to the waist and beaten to death in the backseat of a car—by 3 black men ?
MSM buried that report.
JungianINTP –
Re: the woman who was found dead in the backseat of a car.
I managed to find out the intersection of where she was found, then a post on the suspect who was arrested and the actual story of what happened.
The victim and suspect were both black. There was only one attacker (you’ve likely heard a mixed-up story combining this one with the abduction by 3-4 guys which happened around the same date),.
Initial local news story:
Police blotter, detailing the arrest on Facebook, here:
Suspect (Charged): Jordan Latrell
Victim: Ochea Antjuanette Brown
Location: 17th & Bryant, South St. Paul.
Crime Date: May 29, 2020.
Short story: They were riding together, he assaulted her, made her get out, then ran her over and put her body inside the vehicle. He attempted to get away, but crashed and left the vehicle. An accomplice picked him up from the crash location.