Sens. Johnson and Grassley are publicly releasing this document so the American people can know the truth about the information contained in the annex.
Sens. Johnson, Grassley comment on Annex A release
Finally, officials have declassified and released the document pertaining to the controversial briefing the Intelligence Community gave to President-elect Trump.
This set the stage for the “leak” to the press of the unverified and false information gathered by Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele; and provided to reporters and the FBI. The project was funded by the Clinton campaign and Democrat party.
The information falsely claimed or implied Trump and his associates were conspiring with Russians in 2016.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller and a group of anti-Trump FBI officials ended up admitting there was no such evidence.
The FBI and Department of Justice have since been admonished by the Inspector General and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for committing multiple, egregious abuses in investigating the Trump campaign or those connected to it.
Trump’s opponents have said Trump and his campaign still did many improper things, and are operating to benefit Russia.

Read more at link here:,%20RJ%20-%20ICA%20Annex.pdf
More information:
Sens. Johnson and Grassley Release Declassified Annex to Intelligence Community Assessment that was based on the Debunked Steele Dossier
Officials knew early on that debunked dossier at heart of unlawful surveillance lacked verification well before Mueller took over Russia probe
WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, released a recently declassified annex to the Intelligence Community’s assessment of Russian election interference, which they received in response to their request for a declassification review by the Director of National Intelligence.
At the FBI’s insistence, the Intelligence Community’s Assessment (ICA) about Russian meddling in the 2016 election included information from the Steele Dossier as “Annex A.” Intelligence officials disagreed about including it in the body of the assessment given its lack of verification, according to a highly-redacted report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The annex released today further confirms the material concerns about the credibility of the dossier. The Department of Justice Inspector General’s report about the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation quoted the annex as explaining that there was “only limited corroboration of [Steele]’s reporting[.]” Annex A also noted that Steele provided the FBI with other information even though he was “unable to vouch for … [its] sourcing and accuracy.” Although Annex A itself acknowledged that “the source’s reporting appears to have been acquired by multiple Western press organizations starting in October [2016],” it was classified and concealed from the public. Though Annex A acknowledged that the reports were produced for private clients, it did not disclose that those clients were the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. In the spirit of transparency, Sens. Johnson and Grassley are publicly releasing this document so the American people can know the truth about the information contained in the annex.
By the time the ICA was completed on December 30, 2016, the FBI had already relied on the Democrat-funded opposition research dossier to obtain authority to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. Less than two weeks later, the FBI received intelligence reporting that portions of the dossier were inaccurate and “part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations.” Despite that warning, the FISA warrant targeting Page was renewed the same day. That same month, Steele’s primary sub-source told the FBI that Steele’s reporting included misstatements and exaggerations. The following month, another intelligence reports assessed that key claims against Trump “were false, and that they were the product of RIS ‘infiltrat[ing] a source into the network.’” Despite the apparent absence of any initial corroboration and these mounting concerns, the FBI’s investigation continued seemingly unabated. It’s also unclear what, if any, steps were taken by the Intelligence Community to update their assessment based on the warnings.
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has since rebuked the FBI for misrepresenting the facts in its surveillance applications. The FBI has admitted that at least two of its warrants following the assessment lacked probable cause and the former Deputy Attorney General recently testified that he would not have approved the warrant applications had he known of their deficiencies.
This report is a disgusting example of a PORTION of those in government, the “Swamp”, these disgraced government employees and their enablers, who to this date continue in their efforts to block the 2016 Election process, and continue to pursue their agendas into 2020,denigrating the American citizens and our way of life in the process. My “empty feeling” is few IF ANYONE will be truly punished for their disloyalty to our country. They have no consciences thereby avoiding any thought of their own wrongdoing. Where are the legal systems’ “ethical judges” – who have shown by their own unethical failures to recognize their peers of the debunked legal profession by DISBARRING these offenders. How will these “mutts” sway the 2020 elections ? Pay attention Americans – the legal profession and the politicians have cut off your representation ! Don’t you cut off your own participation !!! Pay attention.
More and more proof is being exposed, that under President Barak Obama’s administration, those in governmental positions abused their authorities and tools to overtake a government, a “political coup”, to Override votes and choice of a majority of the AMERICAN people. This MUST never happen again again. All those involved MUST be held accountable; for our sake, as well as our children’s futures.
The problem is that these totally despicable underhanded actions will probably go unpunished. Many of these people belong in orange jumpsuits, but if the deep state prosecutes its own it will be setting a new standard that it might not want to live up to. An utterly disgraceful episode in our history.
Any and all of these reports that are “released but heavily redacted” are an insult to the intelligence of the American people. What? Are we too sensitive to handle the truth, the whole truth? These perpetrators, or rather traitors, are still being protected, a gesture none of us mere mortal other Americans are afforded. I can’t stand the hypocrisy any longer.
The U.S. currently has some serious problems….the least of which is Donald Trump, and yet many on the Left, are doing their utmost to deflect criticism and blame from their own wrong-doers to those on the Right and in the Centre who are blameless. This “projection” must be revealed, condemned and punished if America has any chance whatsoever of salvaging any of the ideals and principles upon which it was founded. If there is insufficient determination and courage on the part of conservatives to do this, to pursue punishing wrong-doers to the full extent of the law and to make examples of them, I am afraid that your Republic will be lost. America is at a crossroads at this time. The Left has been pushing hard for the last 50 years and even harder today. If conservatives don’t believe that it is now push-back time, all will unfortunately be lost. History has shown that great civilizations can and do fall. America definitely needs a strong leader like Trump at this time but he is not the one needed to articulate the cause….and if American conservative leaders don’t find some such orator or group to espouse this cause and fight for it, then even the steel-girded street-fighter Trump may not succeed on his own.
Politicians and their families enjoy insider trading access and unofficial perks amounting to billions. Trump turned over their rock and all these cockroaches are scurrying to escape the light of day