The high cost of the I.V. drug remdesivir for coronavirus: $3,120

There are dozens of potential coronavirus treatments in development or undergoing tests.

One intravenous (IV) treatment touted by Dr. Anthony Fauci of the White House coronavirus task force is remdesivir, made by Gilead Sciences.

Gilead has now announced pricing for its drug: $520 per vial, which adds up to $3,120 per patient for a six vial course of treatment.

The price to those “outside of private insurance” will be $390 per vial, Gilead says, or $2,340.

According to Reuters:

Analysts at Royal Bank of Canada said they saw revenue potential of $2.3 billion from the drug in 2020, helping offset more than $1 billion in development and distribution costs.

In contrast, the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine can cost pennies per dose and is being studied not only to treat coronavirus, but also to prevent it.

A media campaign controversialized hydroxycholorquine after President Trump repeatedly said the drug could be a game changer if it proves to be effective against coronavirus.

Studies have produced mixed results when it comes to both hydroxycholorquine and remdesivir.

A third drug, dexamethasone, is also being tested to use against coronavirus, as are numerous other medicines.

More results of various studies are expected by summer’s end.

Read more by clicking the link here.

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17 thoughts on “The high cost of the I.V. drug remdesivir for coronavirus: $3,120”

  1. Sharyl:

    Vitamin/Hormone D3, at 5,000 I.U.s/day
    (( or sunbathing each side for 10 minutes )),
    boosts one’s protective immune response
    to all viruses and bacteria (( even cancer ! )).

    We’re being C-19 Hoaxed:by Deep State

    How many multi-millions are terrified
    after catching a common cold, running
    (( dragging their children? )) to a nearby
    testing station or clinic or hospital?

    Got a common cold?  

    Get a test?

    You’re a C-19-Hoax victim if you
    seek a test—then to be dragged to a 
    bed for ‘treatment.’

    Recall ABC’s Evening News report
    some days ago, showing an hysterical
    white woman demanding a test—
    because: “I just know I’m infected!,”
    but being asymptomatic during 
    two DEMANDED tests – both negative!
    – and, then, forcefully seeking a third
    test!, which was POSITIVE, but the
    hospital had no bed for her, so she
    was choppered out to another hospital.

    ABC closed that report with video of
    a chopper flying overhead.

    — 60% to 80% of test results is FALSE positive ! ! ! —

    Tests are Deep State elites’ population-
    control means for shutting businesses
    during “Second Wave” FALSE alarms,
    this coming fall.


    HCQ being withheld – it’s a tested and
    potent treatment for C-19 ! – is Big
    Pharma’s CRIME against humanity.

    1. Sharyl, C-19 had been P R E – P L A N N E D :

      Begin forwarded message:

      From: BILL SARDI
      Date: July 2, 2020 at 9:04:44 AM EDT
      To: Bill Sardi

      Subject: Smoking Gun: US Govt. pre-planned COVID-19 Epidemic

      What Did The U.S. Government Know
      AboutCOVID-19 Coronavirus
      And When Did They Know It?

      By Bill Sardi

      Here is the smoking gun that the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic in the U.S. was pre-planned. It is amazing how evidence for this is out in the open. It is incontrovertible. And it comes from the U.S. Congress, starting on January 24, 2019 – – – yes, a full year BEFORE an outbreak of a so-called “mysterious lung disease” in Wuhan, China. It is Public Law 116-136. Here are the significant dates for this legislation. And it became public law on March 27, 2020.

      January 24, 2019: House Bill 116-136 introduced

      July 17, 2019: Moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended; 40 minutes of debate.

      July 18, 2019: Received in the Senate first time

      March 27 2020: House Bill 116-136 signed by President; became law

      It is obvious that government prepared for this epidemic and then made sure it happened, regardless of whether people were really ill or dying from COVID-19 coronavirus or not.

      What were some of the provisions in this legislation?

      A few selected provisions and requirements of the legislation are presented below. It is obvious the drafters of this legislation anticipated widespread disruption of the economy that would threaten health and threaten financial survival in an unprecedented fashion. The writers of this legislation foresaw the COVID-19 coronavirus would:

      [Section 2102] cause massive unemployment which would require extension of unemployment benefits for 39 weeks;

      [Section 2301] cause closure of businesses;

      [Sections 2201, 2202, 2301] would drastically affect the financial survival of many Americans who would be offered tax breaks and tax exemptions;

      [Sections 3102] would need preparation for an epidemic by stockpiling of personal protective equipment, drugs, vaccines, etc.;

      [Section 3215] would need to extend liability protection for harm caused by acts or omissions by volunteer health professionals in the course of providing services relating to COVID-19;

      [Section 3212] foresaw closure of doctors’ offices and the need for “tele-health;”

      [Section 4003] would require loans to businesses from the Department of the Treasury in exchange for an equity interest in those companies;

      [Section 4022] would provide borrowers of federally-backed mortgages, upon request, a forbearance for up to 180 days which may be extended to an additional 180 days without additional fees, penalties or interest;

      [Section 16006] would extend the date to meet State drivers’ license requirements.


    2. Hydroxychloroquine costs about $25 for a course of treatment. Remdesavir costs $3000! What else do you need to know?
      I wonder if Dr. Fauci has any stock in Gilead company.

  2. Kathleen Wallace

    Why is the cost of Remdesivir less for those outside of private insurance? Gilead is running a scam if that is the case.

    Further, a number of doctors who have used hydroxycholorquine as an early treatment for Covid-19 have met with success. Apparently, it doesn’t work with people who cases are really bad. Also, zinc has to be used with it so that the immune system can properly use the hydroxycholorquine. Further, I have heard that taking zinc may help protect people from contracting Covid-19.

    I would also suggestion that people read “Plague of Corruption” by Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively, JD. and “Plague” by the same individuals. Dr. Mikovits is considered a disgraced scientist only because she went against the current thinking on retroviruses. She believed that her work was vilified because her research indicated that vaccines could be responsible for increases in the number of children with autism and cause Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome..Obviously, if her research were accepted by the general scientific community, vaccine makers would be open to numerous lawsuits.

    1. Kathleen Wallace

      Correction: the following should read ” Apparently, it doesn’t work with people whose conditions are really bad.

      1. Kathleen:

        As Jon Rappoport has correctly observed
        (( Google him )), ventilators are killing
        patients by their misuse. (( too-high oxygen
        setting damages lungs ))—and the majority
        of deaths are nursing home residents.

        His last blog cited that phenomenon, of
        the highly vulnerable elderly in nursing

        Notice how tightly controlled MSM are, as
        absolutely no mention, now, of Trump’s HCQ
        preference—amazing how DEEP the Deep
        State is; and this scribbler began noting its
        POWER and CONTROL, of America, 40 years
        ago, but calling it over those decades the:

        “ S H A D O W Government .”


  3. Hi Sharyl — I am no longer on Twitter, don’t have your email address, so I have to pass you this message here…

    RE: vaccines — I just came across this info, and have not seen (did I miss it??) you mention probability of aluminum from vaccines causing autism in your articles on vaccinations:

    Some really great graphs, references, and interviews.

    and this bog in general has lots of related info on Covid madness, etc:


  4. I’d like to see you dig deeper on this, Sharyl. I’ve heard that Gilead was bribing top execs at NIH to downplay Plaquenil in order to lay the stage for Remdesivir sales. Plausible? Billions at stake. Meanwhile docs in Texas are using Plaquenil with much success in a cocktail treatment in early treatment. At this price differential, we need more information fast. Lives at stake. I hope you take it on.

  5. Sharyl :

    Much more!, regarding Fauci’s C-19 Hoax (( keep in

    mind, his health institute had been funding that Wuhan

    lab—and that he’s financially entangled with Bill

    Gates‘ drive to inject vaccine toxins and DNA-

    changing nano-particles into EVERY man, woman

    and child on the planet )):


  6. Well, it’s very sad people are so dedicated to destroying our country from the inside out, as if we aren’t in the crosshairs of enemies abroad. God help us

  7. I found that Goldenseal root worked for friends & family that got C-19, but there is no money to be made on this so I doubt it wuill ever be studied.

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