Most Americans afraid to express political views

The following is an excerpt from Daily Signal.

Self-censorship is on the rise, according to a new Cato Institute survey that reports nearly two-thirds of Americans are afraid to share their political views.

A new CATO Institute/YouGov national survey found 62% of Americans say the political climate today prevents them from saying what they believe. This is up several points from 2017 when 58% of Americans said they were afraid to share their political beliefs.

“Thirty-one percent of liberals, 30% of moderates and 34% of conservatives are worried their political views could get them fired or harm their career trajectory,” the CATO survey stated.

A recent poll conducted by Politico found that a plurality of Americans believe cancel culture has gone too far.

“There have been shifts across the board, where more people among all political groups feel they are walking on eggshells,” the CATO survey found, adding, “majorities of Democrats (52%), independents (59%) and Republicans (77%) who all agree they have political opinions they are afraid to share.­­”


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5 thoughts on “Most Americans afraid to express political views”

  1. Richard Henricks

    Look back to when Obama said, “Argue With Neighbors, Get In Their Face.” This set a new standard, and acrimonious environment that many took to high levels. People get fired and fined for voicing their opinions. Now, the militants are virtually waging war in the streets to get their way. Rioting, looting, murder, and assault are the tools they use. This is how Hitler’s Brown Shirts, Mussolini’s Back Shirts, and the Bolsheviks acted.

  2. Yes, the cancel culture should not have even existed much less go too far. I find it surprising that liberals are afraid to speak their minds about their political beliefs unless they have some problems with the far-left and they know what can happen to them if they don’t toe the line. But conservatives I know by and large (including yours truly) are quite afraid of speaking their/our minds.

  3. Voicing political preference is difficult if you are a conservative.
    The cancel culture will scream, call you fowl names, and if you own a small business they will aggressively try to shut you down.
    It is not worth the hassle. Who wants to end up arguing with someone who gets manic.

  4. Some are afraid to express their support for Trump in Polls. Bottom line; The Silent Majority will give Trump a big win in Nov. It should overwhelm the voter fraud. But this election is going to be a big mess.

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