What, exactly, is “populism” and why is it so– popular?
Sunday on Full Measure, I travel across Europe where there’s been a rise in populism, both left and right. We’ll look at some uncanny similarities to trends here in the U.S.
We’ll also have an update on waste, fraud and abuse of U.S. tax funds in Afghanistan. We’re checking in with Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, John Sopko.
Come deep underground with me for a look at cross border drug tunnels.
And Lisa Fletcher takes us to a real live Voodoo store to dispel some myths.
You’re not going to get a lineup like that on any other Sunday program. That’s what we’re all about.
Hope to see you then!
We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure
Sharyl :
Leftism sexualizes children,
in order to destabilize the West.
Marxian psychopoliticians in
major media and academe
and entertainment rule,
driving popular culture to
effect an ignoble end to
high-culture civilization, in
this once-Christian West.
The atheist T R I B E rules.
More, regarding Leftism-ENGINEERED P O P U L I S M :
Venezuela as Table-Top Exercise for Destroying West’s Meritocracies
Sharyl :
Read about the “Clergy Response Team,” employed to
advise/persuade rank-and-file parishioners to C O M P L Y
with FEMA / DHS population-control ORDERS.
A/K/A Saul Alinksky’s N U D G E D Populism :ORDERS.
People have ideas and when a politician attempts to meet those ideas. The Border Wall is one such idea. That is not Trump’s Wall, it is America’s Wall, it is to protect America. What is more, Congress approved this wall and approved the funding for it about 2008.
I agree with Kevin.