A 2010 original investigation
Four months after the earthquake, more than 1.5 million Haitians remain homeless. Many live amid utter devastation.
Yet enough aid has been raised to give each displaced family a check for $37,000. So why are so many still going hungry and living under flimsy shelters?
CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports the little known truth is, most of the $14.9 billion that’s been donated will be used on long term projects to rebuild Haiti.Â
Mark Weisbrot, a former economic consultant to Haiti, said, “The organizations that already have money, should be spending this right now. This is emergency relief..”
To find out what has been spent so far, CBS News looked at five major non-profits: CARE, Catholic Relief Services,the Red Cross,the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fundand the separate raised $444 million and spent about 25 percent ($111 million) of it,including $55 million for “emergency relief,” such as food and kitchen items, and $42.9 million for shelter including tarps, tents and blankets.
CARE has raised $34.4 million and spent about 16 percent ($5.75 million), $2.5 million of that on “shelter.”
And at Catholic Relief Services: of $165 million committed to Haiti, it spent no more than 8 percent ($12.2 million), including $2.5 million on food $1.28 million on emergency shelter.
The charities argue they’ve already helped millions of people and would get criticized if they spent too much up front instead of addressing the long term.
“At the same time we move quickly, we move also prudently with spending the funds so that we ensure that the investment is made prudently,” said Gary Philoctete, CARE Assistant Country Directory Haiti.
As head of the American Red Cross, Gail McGovern is well-aware of prior scandals where the Red Cross was accused of collecting money for one cause but spending it on another.
“Can you tell the public today that every dime raised by the American Red Cross for Haiti will be spent on Haiti?” Attkisson asked.
“Minus the nine cents overhead, 91 cents on the dollar will be going to Haiti,” McGovern said. “I give you my word and my commitment. I’m banking my integrity, my personal sense of integrity on that statement.”
It’s too soon to get the most detailed accounting. Each non-profit has its own policing mechanisms, like independent audits and advisory committees. They each say they can show with great precision where nearly every penny is going, but that will take time.
Bill Canny leads Emergency Operations for Catholic Relief Services – which has spent the least proportionally of the charities we looked at.
“Our donors don’t just ask that we spend money quickly, they ask that we spend money on quality programs that are transparent,” Canny said.
With so many billions of dollars in the mix, one thing’s clear. There’s plenty to spend money on and no shortage of questions about how and when it will be used.

Like everything else including “big business charities” the skimming, the accountability, the perhaps fraud, i.e. Clinton Fund comes to mind, big salaries to those CEO’s it’s no wonder the average citizen is so disgusted with everything involving governments, charities, business and anything else that can be corrupted.
McGovern “gives her word” !!! She’s joking, right. The corruption surrounding funds for the Haitians is well known to most, including that rag tag bunch in Washington. That sleazy Clinton Foundation, with foreign, illegal “pay for play” donations in return for enormous Bubba speaking fees, mostly from obscure, foreign interests and buying access to the “right people”, before, during and blatantly, brazenly, during her tenure as Secty. of State, Hillary, has plundered their Foundation for years (Clinton Cash” written by Peter Schweizer). About 8-10 years ago Bill Clinton joined H.W. Bush to help Haitians in that hurricane damage. Haiti has never been helped even after all these years. And here they go again. These “aid” funds will never be dispersed. Trump is right “Corrupt Hillary” is not strong enough a description for both Clintons. Get informed. Read this book !.
A greater tragedy, is how lack of
antibiotics killed so many having
simple skin infections—while one
of the most POWERFUL, non-Big-
Medicine treatments was plentiful:
S U G A R !
This student of Nutrition Science
tried, but failed, to get the message
there—beyond the CENSORSHIP of
Orthodox Physicians..