Tennessee nurse Tiffany Dover made international news when she fainted on live television immediately after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Several weeks later, she still has not spoken again publicly.
After the fainting episode, Dover and Catholic Health Initiatives CHI Memorial Hospital where she works quickly explained that this was nothing unexpected because she suffers from a fainting disorder. They did not explain why, then, she would have been chosen to receive the vaccine– or why she would have agreed– and then immediately give a news conference without remaining seated in case she suffered a fainting episode.
In any event, Dover has remained out of the public eye since, reportedly dialing back or going dark on her social media and refusing to speak to news reporters. Instead, several days later, the hospital issued a brief video clip, reportedly taken shortly after the incident, showing a masked Dover with other hospital staff, and said she was “fine.”
A spokesman for the hospital recently said that Dover said, “I feel fine now and the pain in my arm is very minimal.” The report did not say when the quote was from.
No other details have been provided. The hospital has not said whether Dover has returned to work or whether she has suffered any adverse events from the vaccination.
According to CDC, more than 5,000 vaccine recipients suffered a “health impact event” in the first weeks of the COVID-19 vaccine program.
Read CDC information on COVID-19 vaccine health impact events and side effect data
Numerous news “fact checks” claim that Dover is “fine,” but they make the proclamation without evidence since they have neither seen nor spoken to Dover and are simply quoting the hospital or others. It would be more accurate (and journalistic) for news outlets or fact checks to state that Dover hasn’t been seen in public or done interviews, but that a spokesman for the hospital says she is doing “fine.”
The hospital recently issued the following vague statement providing no more details and indicating it would not be taking questions or making further statements:
“We appreciate the ongoing concern by the community and media. Tiffany and CHI Memorial issued a current video and photograph , on Dec. 21, 2020, of her at the hospital surrounded by nursing leaders, including our Chief Nurse Executive, who support her. Our efforts must now turn to caring for an ever growing number of people in our community hospitalized with COVID-19 and vaccinating our caregivers and support staff. We will not be putting out any additional statements or holding any additional interviews concerning this incident. For concerns related to the vaccine, we recommend you speak with your physician or visit www.cdc.gov and https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html. ”
For a fact check that mistakenly claims to have confirmed Dover is “fine,” you can read the link below:

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I’ve read your first two books and they have changed the way I perceive information. I find myself researching for unbiased information, especially on Covid treatments and the vaccines. My eyes have been opened to the often unnoticed exclusions in the televised news that I watch, listen to and read. Knowing what often goes on behind the scenes, thanks to your books, has enlightened me and frightened me simultaneously.
Keep pumping out your stories, the stories that are hard to find anywhere else,
Actually Tiffany Dover DIED 10 hours later after taking the vaccine, and the mainstream media and fact checkers are LYING trying to cover it up.
Remember that it’s not a real vaccine, it’s a vaccine trial, so it hasn’t been properly tested so it’s human testing.
Extremely suspicious. I believe we are the test cases that haven’t been done during development. I also wonder what kind of threats this poor nurse is operating under. Very suspicious.
Dear Ms. Attkisson,
It’s so sad and tragic, a lot of people are going to take this vaccine and get very sick or die, while the media says there is no such thing as side effects, vaccines are safe, right? Well, they shamelessly lie because most people lack critical thinking and lack time and energy to look for the truth, which hides in plain sight. Here is the full report (92 pages PDF) and some links I would like to share.
Best wishes for the coming New Year
https://www.fda.gov/media/144246/download (check around page 50)
About the fraud, please check
“COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud”
“The beginning and the end of the corona crisis” notably about the infamous PCR test
FullMeasure Team,
She has been damaged by the vaccine—and SUGAR !
Sugar as poison
If she were really fine, they would be parading her around in front of the cameras with as much enthusiasm as they did when she got the shot. No hospital is going to employ a nurse, who is responsible for critical care who passes out at the drop of a hat. Their cover story doesn’t hold up.
Of all the nurses to give the vaccine shot, the hospital chose a nurse with a medical condition causing fainting. Set up or idiocy.
I’ve been looking into it. It appears that she is dead. The video the hospital released has an obvious fake body double wearing a mask, and Tiffany’s name tag.
Please keep us posted on this story. The fact that her death has been kept hidden shows how much we should trust this vaccine.
GoFundMe to hire a private investigator here:
Where did the rumor come from that she had died? If she was fine you would think they would parade her around to all the talk shows about how wonderful this vaccine is.
I really like your newsletter and while not being there, I can’t be sure but I think this is being a bit overly publicized There are people who faint every time their blood is drawn. I knew one such person. He was a vigorous guy but when he had blood drawn, down he went. It is called vasovagal syncope (fainting because the vagus nerve discharges and slows your heart dramatically) and is entirely automatic. You cannot do anything about it. And yes, if she has this problem, she should have received the injection not just sitting down but in a recliner already tilted back a bit. Perhaps as part of the publicity involved, someone made a poor choice in this regard. As for agreeing to have the injection in the presence of this problem, these people have to get shots, have blood drawn, etc. so they must deal with it. Finally, the apparent implication that it was the vaccine itself which caused the problem acutely is probably wrong. You don’t pass out from an allergic reaction. (Well almost never.)
I saw several doctors state that a person with that condition will faint immediately, not 17 minutes after the fact.
Nice Bill that’s totally right, I think Douglas didn’t know that YET but now you know she fainted on live televisión during the interview she gave 17 minutes after the shot… Guess where the interview was intended for, to take the fear away that anything bad would happen…
God is good always and always good is God
After reading Slanted, I think you may be a journalist that can dig deeply enough to realize the demonic character of the people who run this world. You may remember the exposure of some of them in the Jeffery Epstein news. You will need first to dig deeply within yourself.
If you have something within you that prevents you from facing the facts, you will not be able to find them. The horrors of the twentieth century should have been enough to make anyone realize that there are people who can murder millions of people. It was not that long ago. Maybe you think such people have been removed from the world. Maybe you think we are protected from them now. I can give you a million reasons to avoid thinking that the human race is being assaulted again by more powerful and more demonic people than any of the twentieth century. You can trust them with you genetic code. Of course you can. The Jews trusted the Nazis long enough to get to the concentration camps without defending themselves.
The narrative is not something that is being played in the media alone. We play it within our own consciousness. Granted, human consciousness is still feeble, but you already know that it is being manipulated. Herman and Chomsky showed us in 1988 that there is no integrity in the media or the government. After all the time since then, the union between the very-rich and the government has been consummated. Offspring have been born. They are euphemistically called “Big Tech.” I don’t see how it is possible to avoid the connections and continue in naivety. It is not an innocence. It is subconscious aversion.
I benefited from you book. I may even read another. I even signed up for your Daily Digest. I hope you will tackle the narrative being played in the minds of people who are capable of and even enjoy torturing children to death. They run this world. They hate everyone. They hate Life. They hate God, themselves, the planet, and everything else. They are heartless and powerful.
Reading between the lines of Sharyl’s work, since I saw her TED talk about 5 years ago, I suspect she is fully aware of the Satanists who run this world. She has such high legitimacy as a journalist she can only bring the masses to the truth by being slightly ahead of them in what she says and writes. It is others with less formal ‘mainstream’ journalism credibility who have much less to sacrifice by reporting on the deeper darker truths.
Both forms of truth journalism have their place in the Great Awakening.
Yeah, sure she’s fine. All RNs have frequent fainting spells, right?
If she feels fine why not come forward instead of hiding behind hospital PR?
Thanks for continuing to follow up on this story. With the new round of censorship on adverse effects by social media, it’s good to see professionals like yourself continue to investigate and report.
She’s obviously dead. The nurse purporting to be Tiffany has a different hairstyle, different eyebrows, and appears to weigh about 30 more pounds. The mask she wears aids in the deception. As Chomsky has stated, the job of the media is to put forth illusions whenever the facts are a detriment to the elite
agenda. Here are just some illusions: lone gunmen killed JFK, RFK and King; our foreign policy has been benign for we just want ‘freedom’ for the rest of the world; Vince Foster and Jeffrey Epstein killed themselves; Osama did 9/11; Iraq had WMD; Biden won the election; the MMR vaccine does not cause autism, and vaccines are safe. The CIA runs the media to make sure the illusions maintain their dominance in the minds of a large segment of the American population.
I totally agree she is dead. If she wasn’t they would parade her around to show how well she is doing. If it were any one of us, wouldn’t we all want to live on camera and tell the world we are alive and well? Who would allow a “picture” of themselves wearing a mask to be the only proof of our existence? Not only that but as others have stated, the woman in the photo has a different face shale, is taller, weighs more, and has a different hairstyle.
It’s January 21, 2021 and still only this as the latest report. There are videos on the less censored BitChute and Brighteon with a guy using a free trial version of online death records check to look up her death report. It lacks detailed information that you’d get from a paid version. And the information the look ups do get are not definitive enough for me to buy into.
I’m still curious about Tiffany Dover. Is she “doing fine”, or is she in fact deceased? I hope she is doing fine, but I suspect she is not, else there would be hospital admins parading her around like a runway model.
I was thinking she was dead too but today, August 10, 2021, I looked up her nurse license and it is still active in Tennessee under the name Tiffany L Dover. I saw that other locations (other states) enter the word “deceased” if the licensed person is, in fact, deceased. I assume that Tennessee does the same thing. (I had originally looked her license up in the state of Alabama thinking that’s where she was located but she is not listed in Alabama’s registry. Her Tennessee nurse license number, by the way, is 189918. The web address to look it up is: https://apps.health.tn.gov/Licensure/Results.aspx
I also looked her up on ancestry.com to see what I could find. Some made convincing claims from that website. Please Know that death records will not be available on ancestry.com for some 20 years post death (don’t quote me on that exact number.) I found there is a family tree that lists her as deceased BUT that tree is not fully viewable (it’s private by owner’s request which is pretty common). It does give an email link that an investigator/person could kindly ask the tree owner questions BUT that’s not recommended (since they would have made the tree public if they had wanted to.) Also, this tree COULD be fake, although at first glance, it doesn’t appear to be fake since it has over 1000 people on that tree. (Admittedly though, I don’t know why someone would make a fake tree and enter her name and list her as dead unless she had actually died.)
In summary, WHO KNOWS FOR SURE. My guess… based on the interview she gave, (“… my arm is much better…” and the obvious twitching that she was doing in the group photo/video, is that she was definitely having health problems as a result of the shot. Consequently, she didn’t want to acknowledge that because that would make her have to question her line of work (her income) and her choice to get the shot (her own intelligence). And my theory of “she’s having health problems” fits with the responses of the employer. They said something to the effect, “She’s fine; she doesn’t want to do any more interviews…” I think they’re trying to convince themselves she’s fine. The nursing industry, for the most part, actually believes vaccines (even this one) are good but now they’re struggling with the result of Tiffany’s shot: She fainted 15 minutes afterward and was twitching days afterward. And who knows if she’s having continued problems. (Her insurance company, her family, her doctor… all might know.) The truth will come out eventually. Hopefully the girl has enough integrity that she’ll eventually come out and say what’s really been going on.
To me, it’s obvious that what has happened is: Tiffany Dover developed a fairly profound adverse reaction, one that is so obvious when you look at her that she can’t be trotted out & paraded as perfectly “fine.” Since we also cannot find a death announcement, I feel pretty sure I’m right…