READ: Wisconsin election fraud lawsuit by Sidney Powell

Attorney Sidney Powell has filed an election fraud lawsuit in Wisconsin alleging “massive election fraud.”

The lawsuit asks to block the governor from transferring the state’s certified election results to the Electoral College, pending a full investigation.

Read the lawsuit claims at the link below:

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15 thoughts on “READ: Wisconsin election fraud lawsuit by Sidney Powell”

  1. You are if not the best then one of the best reporters today. You are one of my numerous hero women. We are blessed these days with many!!

  2. Are you going to continue being a journalist when the election fraud cases are resolved? How much of your credibility will be damaged? I’d say a lot. Anyway, maybe you and Trump are right.

  3. Sharyl,

    The election-fraud-cancer phenomenon is
    baked-in—is endemic.

    Lincoln had been shoe-horned into office
    by fraud.

    I collect rare books. One black author had
    interviewed living witnesses to Lincoln’s

    One is left wondering – after studying it – if
    it had been staged—to make a martyr out
    of a man U N I V E R S A L L Y hated.


    1. P.S.


      PAGE—86th post, or so, copied below her link :


      Back to SQUARE-ONE,
      Shannon and Sharyl :

      Seth Rich had been killed for having used a
      thumb drive—to dump Democrat records into
      an open-access resource.

      Find the Podesta record/email using this term,
      in those records :

      “wetwork,” written

      a few days before Antonin Scalia had been
      found dead—then quickly cremated, without
      benefit of ANY investigation—ALWAYS done
      for high-office political figures in the past.


      1. P.P.S.

        Sharyl and Shannon,

        And one may find this term,
        very near Podesta’s term,
        “wetwork,” :


        Now—Extrapolate !


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