Covid-19 Q-and-A; Impeachment nuts and bolts; and The New Rules War

Virologist Dr. John Dye at US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases

Did you know: When the first two Covid-19 vaccines were approved for emergency use they were proven effective for most people, but only anywhere from two weeks to two months?

Will you need booster shots soon?

What’s an RNA vaccine, and why do you need two doses?

What’s the difference between the first two RNA vaccines and the other coronavirus vaccines soon to follow?

Have government scientists pinpointed the “origin” of Covid-19?

These are some of the many questions I ask of the chief virologist at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Dr. John Dye. That informative conversation Sunday on Full Measure.

Also Scott Thuman joins me with the nuts and bolts of impeachment. What’s the prognosis of the Senate holding an impeachment trial for a president who will then be out of office?

And what if seemingly random world events are connected in an unexpected way? Lisa Fletcher talks to the author of: “The New Rules of War.”

In the book, Sean McFate “delivers a highly provocative, even controversial, exploration of modern warfare and what we must do to win in the future.” He also gives his ten rules for future military engagement in and age “where corporations, mercenaries, and rogue states have more power and ‘nation states’ have less.”

We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure

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4 thoughts on “Covid-19 Q-and-A; Impeachment nuts and bolts; and The New Rules War”

  1. Full Measure Team / Sharyl :

    Rules of Engagement, applied against U.S.
    military operations???—A L W A Y S !!! point to
    the Shadow Cabal’s ongoing efforts, to SPILL
    America’s BLOOD and TREASURE and MORAL
    CERTITUDE and FOUNDING Race/Culture.

    Study Mensheviks’ step-wise plans to
    destroy America, without going to war,
    for installing Global Economic Socialism;
    i.e., Universal Communism, re :

    “. . . And what if seemingly random world
    events are connected in an unexpected way?
    Lisa Fletcher talks to the author of:
    ‘ The New Rules of War.‘ “

    That HIDDEN Hand connects all Rules-of-
    Engagement WARS—and the MORAL /
    of the past 200-years, or so.



    Warring Bolsheviks are standing by whenever
    Mensheviks are confronted by an AWARE-type
    Donald Trump.

  2. Sharyl,

    If you word-search the author, it’s HOXSEY.

    — An Aside —

    Did you watch CBS This Morning–saturday ?

    The reference to pit bulls, as NON-Harmful (( by omission of threat/danger, is an excellent example of brain-blind emotionalism (( UtopiPsychosis ))—in those two dog-saving women.

    There is a web page devoted to listing the injury and deaths from pits.

    Denver, CO, has banned that breed from within its city limits.

    The laws of genetics are
    UNIVERSAL for plants and
    dogs and men !

    – Rick

    1. P.S.

      Re: Real Men

      Here’s why men decline to ask for directions :

      Whenever a man feels challenged, his
      T E S T O T E R O N E level falls—he, then,
      feels bad!, much like when his favorite team
      loses a game.

      That phenomenon is related to why male
      conservatives fail at COOPERATION in
      winning the culture wars :

      They each are competing for that pretty
      girl standing over there—and why some
      men NEVER apologizes (( testosterone
      drops after ANY apology )).

      Why cooperate with a male trying to get
      at that same pretty girl?—why Rush keeps
      his Top-Dog radio position (( it’s all about
      men and their sub-conscience sex drive ))

      Feminine ”men” FEEL less challenged, so
      are more cooperative in the anti-Right/
      anti-West/pro-Libertine culture wars.

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