Judge blocks extradition of WikiLeaks’ Assange to US; Mexico may offer asylum

The following is an excerpt of an article in The Gateway Pundit.

Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said during his daily press briefing that Mexico is prepared to offer political asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The offer comes shortly after UK Judge Vanessa Baraitser denied an extradition request by the US government on the grounds that Assange would not be prevented from committing suicide in our prison system.

The US prosecutors have 14 days to appeal the judge’s decision and has said that they plan to do so.

“I’m satisfied that Mr. Assange has the intellect and determination to circumvent the suicide prevention measures, as Professor Kopelman posted, Mr. Assange would not only find a way to suicide, but he it will be executed with the single-minded determination of his ASD/Asperger’s,” the judge said in her ruling on Monday. “Facing conditions of mere total isolation, and without the protective factors which mitigate his risks at HMP Belmarsh, I am satisfied that the US procedures would not prevent Mr. Assange from committing suicide. (Continued..)

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1 thought on “Judge blocks extradition of WikiLeaks’ Assange to US; Mexico may offer asylum”

  1. Full Measure Team,

    Agencies have been fully compromised by Marxian
    actors for decades, to explain Assange’s bad treatment.

    The late Seth Rich had had a moral conscience!, to ex-
    plain why he was killed (( accidentally!, as just a warning
    that became a got-out-of-hand “murder” ))

    Again, that Utah facility remains a crime scene.

    And keep in mind, Trump’s supporters are clean,
    moral people while leftists are the needs-a-bath
    crowd—to include Hollywood/“Journalist”/Demo-
    crat folks.


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