At least 9 deaths after the Covid-19 vaccine in 6 countries are being investigated or have already been examined.
Health officials say that, so far, there is no reason to think the deaths are connected to the shots. However, they say they’re taking every precaution to conduct thorough reviews, particularly since the vaccine is being used on an experimental basis due to the pandemic emergency. Scientists say that typically, some adverse events related to a new medicine are only identified after they’re in widespread use.
Deaths have been reported in the U.S., Switzerland, Sweden, Israel, Portugal, and Norway.
Two deaths occurred in health care workers who were said to be “healthy” prior to vaccination: a Florida doctor and a nurse in Portugal.
Two deaths are reported among elderly residents in Switzerland, including the first person to get a Covid-19 vaccine. There were also two deaths of elderly men in Israel, each within two hours of a Covid-19 shot. An elderly Swedish man also passed away.
The death of the youngest person was that of the Portugal nurse: a 41-year old mother.
According to Bloomberg, 25 million doses of vaccine have been given in 25 countries.
“Healthy” physician in Florida dies two weeks after Covid-19 vaccination
Reported Jan. 10, 2021
U.S. health officials are investigating the death of a south Florida physician who passed away unexpectedly two weeks after receiving a first dose of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.
Dr. Gregory Michael, 56, was a Miami-Beach obstetrician. He reportedly was vaccinated on December 18 at Mount Sinai Medical Center. Three days later, according to reports, “small spots began to appear on his feet and hands.” He went to the Emergency Room at Mount Sinai and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit with a blood count “far below normal ranges.”
He suffered a stroke and died.
Authorities have not yet released any conclusions about Dr. Michael’s cause of death.

Deaths of two nursing home residents in Norway under investigation
Reported Jan. 6, 2021
The Norwegian Medicines Agency is investigating the deaths of two nursing home residents who passed away “a few days” after receiving doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine.
Officials say it’s possible that the deaths are coincidental. Few details were publicly provided.
Madsen also added that as people of advanced age are receiving the coronavirus vaccine first it is entirely possible that the deaths could be coincidental.
Two Days After Receiving Covid-19 Shot, Healthy 41-Year-Old Mother Dies in Portugal
Reported Jan. 5, 2021
Portuguese officials are investigating the sudden death of a paediatric surgery assistant in Porto found dead two days after receiving the first dose of Covid vaccine. She received the shot December 30.
Sonia Acevedo, a 41-year old mother of two, worked at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology and was one of 538 workers who received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Her father told reporters she had no health problems prior to getting the vaccine.

First Swiss citizen to receive Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine dies
Reported Dec. 30, 2020
The 90-year old Swiss woman who was the first person to receive a coronavirus vaccine died five days after getting the shot. She was vaccinated on Christmas Eve.
The woman reportedly had previously “reacted negatively” to the flu shot.
Swiss health officials have said the death of the woman, who was not identified by name, was likely a coincidence, unrelated to the vaccine, and that she suffered from “preexisting disease.”
Swissmedic issued a statement reading, “a connection between the death and the Covid-19 vaccination is highly unlikely.”

91-year old Swiss man dies 5 days after Covid-19 shot
Reported Dec. 30, 2020
A 91-year-old man who lived in a nursing home in Lucerne, Switzerland died five days after getting the Pfizer BioNtech Covid vaccine.
Officials say the man was already ill to begin with and they called a link to the vaccine “highly unlikely.”
85-year-old Swedish man dies the day after Covid-19 vaccine
Reported Dec. 30, 2020
An 85-year-old man with died of a heart attack the day after receiving a first dose of Covid-19 vaccine.
Health authorities say the man suffered from pre-existing conditions.
88-year-old Israeli man dies hours after Covid-19 vaccine; doctors stress he was seriously ill
Reported Dec. 29, 2020
An 88-year-old man died in Jerusalem hours after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine.
Within two hours of getting vaccinated, the man collapsed at home.
Health authorities stress he had serious preexisting health problems and imply the death was coincidental, not due to the vaccine.
75-year-old Israeli man dies shortly after receiving Covid-19 vaccine
Reported Dec. 28, 2020
On Monday, a 75-year old Israeli man collapsed and was pronounced dead from heart failure within two hours of getting his first dose of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.
Health officials issued a statement saying that his death, under investigation, did not appear to be connected to the shot. The patient reportedly suffered from heart disease and cancer.
Read CDC information about Covid-19 vaccines here.

In all cases excuses were given. Oh, it wasn’t the vaccine…..
Yes. In all but two of the cases, they dismiss the link to the vaccine. Imagine if they had this attitude with regard to COVID. Would the death count even be 100K in the USA? One conclusion I have reached in the last year is that public health officials are usually more public officials than health officials.
Here are their statements:
Authorities have not yet released any conclusions about Dr. Michael’s cause of death.
Officials say it’s possible that the deaths are coincidental. Few details were publicly provided.
Madsen also added that as people of advanced age are receiving the coronavirus vaccine first it is entirely possible that the deaths could be coincidental.
Swiss health officials have said the death of the woman, who was not identified by name, was likely a coincidence, unrelated to the vaccine, and that she suffered from “preexisting disease.”
Swissmedic issued a statement reading, “a connection between the death and the Covid-19 vaccination is highly unlikely.”
Officials say the man was already ill to begin with and they called a link to the vaccine “highly unlikely.”
Health authorities say the man suffered from pre-existing conditions.
Health authorities stress he had serious preexisting health problems and imply the death was coincidental, not due to the vaccine.
Health officials issued a statement saying that his death, under investigation, did not appear to be connected to the shot. The patient reportedly suffered from heart disease and cancer.
But these are the people who are being urged to get the shot. Isn’t that strange?
Full Measure Team,
That Hidden Hand / Shadow Cabal
controls so-called “Health Care”
organizations (( CDC, W.H.O., etc. )).
Military Industrial Complex gives
vaccines to troops—to EXPERIMENT !
One doctor researching the cause
of ALS suspects vaccines used on
military personnel :
“The risk of [[ presenting with ALS ]]
is elevated for all veterans no matter
when or where they served, whether
they went to combat or not.” —Dr.
Richard Bedleck, M.D. [[ Head of ALS
clinic at Duke University Health
Center ]].
My first cousin, Terry, suffered and
transitioned by ALS.
Yes, there are living conditions worse
than death !!!
In which year, Sharyl, did talk-show host Art Bell
(( CoasrToCoastAM—globally liked ! )) proclaim :
“I’ll never trust Washington again, ever!”
—after, in the dead of night, on Christmas
Holliday, D.C. legislators had voted to allow
America’s Military Industrial Complex to
S E C R E T L Y EXPERIMENT on her public.
Contemplate that FACT, for a few moments.
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I am amazed that people think it is ok to give the vaccine to elderly and unwell people. Their body cannot cope with the immune response that is needed and will be adversely impacted compared to a healthier population!
It is shocking that they are being used as guinea pigs in this unproven, rushed biological agent!
I agree. this is a drug that is still being tested…look at the records and see how many deaths has happened when other drugs are fast tracked. and then found out not even needed…but hey they needed the money. This is another case like that. I should look that up again and post it here.
Killing the proverbial two birds with one stone…
You may not know, Alka Seltzer had
been an invented cure for the 1918
flu-bug : It alkalizes the body.
This student of Nutrition Science had
experimented and stumbled onto a
cure for flu : Alkalizing the body,
which requires, in part, never ingest-
ing much sugar, as it impedes T-cell
production (( flu-bug killer cells )).
Alka Seltzer and zinc, in combination,
can help to beat the illness—and D3
and Vit. C are best taken daily.
Don’t forget chicken broth, as it has the
efficacy of penicillin, as does Oregano
All that isn’t medical advice, but my own
Big Medicine has been as slow as molasses
in subzero temperature, to focus on our
NATURAL immunity system in fighting
deadly invaders, rather than to keep push-
ing shots and pills—Nutrition Science is the
future of medicine! :
Messenger RNA Vaccine Might Kill :
One thing appears to be certain, these deaths will be treated very differently from Covid deaths. Pre-existing conditions will be used to explain the deaths of most people, unlike with Covid where every Covid positive death is attributed to Covid regardless of the how many pre-existing conditions contributed to the patient’s death.
The number of vaccinations is thus far is well into the millions. The population being immunized skews far toward the elderly.
So let us say, to be extremely conservative, at least a million people over 70 have been taken the COVID vaccine.
Now let us perform a thought experiment.
Take a random sample of over-70 persons. Let us say for simplicity, that 100% of them are expected to die at some point before 100 and that deaths are uniformly distributed by age. How many people in this sample should be expected to die in any given two-week period?
About 1300.
Now suppose you have a list of 1300 deaths on your desk, all of whom died within 2 weeks of having taken the vaccine. What are the chances you could cherry-pick sufficiently many “mysterious” deaths to construct a narrative that there are serious questions about the safety of the vaccine? What are the chances that journalists across the nation are sufficiently poorly versed in statistics to take such a story at face value?
You should gold-plate and otherwise preserve this answer because something tells me that you are going to have to trot it out many times in the near future. For as you can see from the other responses herein, there is an almost endless supply of people who think that they know more than the medical community despite it likely that they have no training in medicine. All it takes is a willingness to ignore the math that you have shown here and a willingness to suspend critical thinking. And a willingness to swallow the most outrageous conspiracy theories.
This all goes under the umbrella of the “death of expertise”, the idea that everyone’s opinion is just as good as anyone else’s regardless of their training in any particular area. I have an advanced engineering degree but would never think that I truly understand what it takes to make a vaccine and what its effects might be. It’s not in my area of expertise. But that lack of expertise apparently doesn’t stop enough people.
This is not to say that experts don’t make mistakes. But it does say that it’s not going to be the “common man” that spots those mistakes.
So we are presented with some raw information here with no realistic chance that many will understand it (and at the moment, not even the experts understand it) and put it into the proper context that the number of deaths is not necessarily suspicious given the advanced age of a large part of the cohort having been given the vaccine. And it would seem that use of the word “numerous” is not warranted here unless the purpose is to stoke fear or outrage . That’s how these conspiracy theories take hold. When you don’t understand something and, honestly, seem to want to believe the worst, it’s easy to be led astray into the realm of, in this case, “numerous” deaths.
Dick Lanier,
To be “trained in medicine” is to be
ignorant of NATURAL remedies for
disease, such as critical need of
Vit. D3, Vit. C, and I O D I N E ,
which ignorance, Richard, explains
why Big Medicine (( hospitals and
clinics and family physicians )) had
been the 3rd LEADING cause of
America B E F O R E the Covid-Hoax
—and which has MYSTERIOUSLY
nixed cases of colds and flu by 98%,
according to NBC news, a few days
Nutrition Science is the future of
H O N E S T, Do-No-Wrong health
R. Craigen
Dick Lanier
Full Measure Team :
Study Rappoports analyses on
the Covid-Hoaz (( his MANY
reports )), as no C-19 virus has
been isolated in a lab :
I don’t equate being “trained in medicine” to being ignorant of potential natural cures. That seems like an unfounded charge (I am not trained in medicine so I can’t say for sure, but unless you are a doctor neither can you). But I can understand that there has always been some tension between the idea of treating diseases and preventing diseases in the first place, and many doctors likely place too much emphasis on the former at the expense of the latter. And we are coming to understand that many diseases that plague us like diabetes can be greatly ameliorated with lifestyle changes. So you do have a somewhat valid point.
Doctors, of course, do make mistakes. And some might unfairly discount the efficacy of some “natural” cure. All I do know is that if I get medical advice from my doctor and different medical advice from you, I know who I am going to listen to. But if you want to live in the world of natural cures and forego the advances in modern medicine, be my guest.
But I seriously bristle at the charge that the COVID pandemic is a hoax. Let’s just look at it logically. The excess death numbers tell us that more people are dying of something. What is it if not COVID? If there is a hoax, there must be people perpetuating the hoax. Who are those people? Drs. Sahin and Tureci, the developers of the Pfizer vaccine? Dr. Fauci? Dr. Birx? Biden’s entire virus task force team? What about the health care professionals around the world that are risking their lives daily to treat COVID patients? All of these people are either crooks (in on the hoax) or patsies (believe in the hoax) for it must be one or the other. Which camp do the above people end up in? And where does the conspiracy end? I believe that you are insulting the good name of these people with zero evidence to back it up, and I find that to be intolerable and wrong. All they are guilty of is trying to help us.
But you didn’t rebut the main theme of the original post or my reply that the number of people that have died after being vaccinated is not a suspiciously large one. It’s the law of probability in action.
Title Typo?
Being cryptic isn’t being clever,
but U N M I N D F U L—so, Bob,
out with it !
As for Dick Lanier’s above post, keep in mind :
Modern Western medicine FOCUSES on, and PROFITS
from, keeping us SICK!—not practicing preventional
That’s a GENERAL truth,
worth keeping in mind—
when choosing your
doctor over Nutrition
See Bill Sardi’s post, below.
They ALWAYS just deny…it IS experimental…but just deny. Healthy people (who just took an experimental vaccine) don’t just die. People are waking up to how big pharma actually works.
at 70 yr old . and with billions behind these industries .I SEE DAMAGE CONTROL GOING ON HERE . BUT THAT IS JEST ME. AND NO I HAVE NOT TACKEN THE SHOT
One of the misleading practices is to categorize deaths or side effects as unrelated to the vaccine. It is the vulnerability and frailty of the patient and not necessarily the vaccine that often determines whether a side occurs or not. If a vaccine-related side effect results in hospitalization the very ordeal of enduring hospitalization is treacherous (waking you up to take blood tests; exposure to antibiotic resistant forms of bacteria; drug errors; unfamiliar place which lead to broken hips among elderly; exposure to staff that is infected; the poor nutritional status of the patient that is disregarded. So these side effects are not directly vaccine related, but they are related to the vaccination process and experience, including subsequent hospitalization if side effects occur. Many frail elderly simply won’t make it through hospitalization, about 1% (as determined by flu hospitalization data). The vaccines get a pass, but the frail patient should never have been vaccinated. Patients don’t die from vaccines or COVID-19, or any other virus or bacterium. They die of weak immunity. It is neglect when the patient’s vitamin D blood levels are not determined, esp. upon hospital admission. Zinc status is also important. A hospital admission prophylactic battery of vitamin D, B1, C, and zinc should be evaluated.