In the wake of the 2020 election controversies, 89% say they do not have much trust in election integrity in the U.S.
That’s according to a recent unscientific poll of more than 640 people at
When asked if they generally trust election integrity, 70% said “Absolutely no” and 19% said “More no than yes” for a total of 89% expressing skepticism.
Another 6% said they tend to trust election integrity: 2% said “Absolutely yes” and 4% said “More yes than no.”
Do you generally trust election integrity in U.S.?
2% Absolutely yes!
70% Absolutely no!
4% More yes than no
19% More no than yes
2% 50-50
2% Not sure
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Overall a Great message. However, I would trust vote results from TX or FL more than most other states currently.
Absolutely no, specifically when there evidence and elected officials refuse to see it!!
If people want to play the blame game, they should hold Nancy Pelosi , Obama, & other Trump haters accountable: for
They allowed this to happen by changing the election laws.. We should insist on voting in person with photo ID with valid exceptions only.
How did we get to the place where you no longer need proof of who you are and where you live in order to vote? You can mail in your vote as many times as you receive a ballot in the mail. I have very little confidence in our government. How can we change this?
“THAT’S RACIST”… conversation over.
I 100% do not trust our election also believe 100% that President Donald Trump won by a landslide and that Democrats and others did fraud with our election.
How many people can articulate their position and doubts in our election systems?
This is a good time to educate voters on what was discovered, what is here-say and what is factual.
Can anyone think of a trusted reliable professional journalist to host the experts in a 2-3 part town hall program?
I’ll never trust the elections. I’ll never vote for a Democrat. It is a real shame that this amazing country is seeing the left debase the right when the left is causing most of the political problems.
Election was PROVEN fraudulent in Georgia senate anyway by hard data big 4 group of 3 technical forensic accountants . It was technical , vote data management process workflow built . Technical but clear .. bottom line. Georgia has purposely design UNSECURE election process .. Trump won Georgia popular election by at least 200,000 votes that were illegally electronically switched to Biden . No contests Proof and results were ignored.. someone please prove the proof wrong or admit America fell in 2020 to invaders from within! See YouTube link of proof :
Keep up your critical work
The most egregious thing about the 2020 election was the flagrant violation of the US Constitution, Article II, Section I, Clause II and how some governors, sec of state, attorneys general, judges, and state and federal courts completely violated their own state election laws to favor the democrats. And what the heck is the matter with the Supreme Court??
Worse, the governors in these battleground states certified their state’s election results and sent the elector count off to DC. And THEN, these fraudulent numbers were voted on and passed by Congress?? We all know that dead people voted, people who did not live in the state or the district voted, illegal aliens voted, people were paid to vote voted, underaged people voted, people engaged in ballot harvesting – and the list goes on. It’s the trampling of our Constitution that makes me the maddest.
We have to have voter ID!
Unfortunately corrupt elections are a aged old tradition in our country. I suggest reading Robert Caro’s biography of Lyndon Johnson for instruction on how to steal an election. LBJ was the master of ballot box deception.
I watched your program today! It was enlightening but I don’t think you adequately covered one of the most important aspect “the amount of disinformation that is intentionally being disseminated”. Conservative Networks like FOX, OANN, NEWSMAX etc are deliberately spreading misinformation! Your program does not cover that or how to control it
I would like to see a way to control it!
This is how I think media is a lie…I disconnected from cable…No more.
POTUS and his 75 million voters are SICK OF IT ALL.
If anyone watched those people testify regarding the election….really? And then the corrupt Rep/ Senate plus PENCE couldn’t even allow more time to investigate. It makes me sick.
ALL A FRAUD. No more money ever from me. By the way…when Georgia was voting for Senate..Ronna was off on an island with the RNC jerks. Where was Ms. ROMNEY? Disgusting.
There has always been some corruption in all local, state and federal governments through out U.S. history, I’m a southerner born and bread and southern states were notorious for it. But, it couldn’t be more obvious that this election was stolen than if someone had robbed you at gun point. Our federal and state governments are corrupt to its marrow, for the DOJ and Supreme Court to not investigate is out rages! No matter what your political affiliation is, you should be mad as hell! All U.S. citizens our losers this time. What is the incentive to make a bigger and better product if the school janitor and I was a school janitor for 6 years, makes the same wage as some one with a doctrine degree. Ask your college professor or an entertainer if they will give you a million dollars and see what they say. We don’t have a perfect republic, but its the best one in the world, I know this for a fact. We need to take our democracy back from the corrupt Republican and Demarcate politicians before its to late. Vote on results and emotions.
The last line should read Vote on results, not emotions. I let my emotions get in the way.
Thank You for your courage in this Orwellian era that we live in today. You are a purveyor of truth and wisdom.
There is still more information to come out. A MI judge has ordered the Secretary of State to release a large number of election-related correspondance by Feb 2. I suspect talk of election integrity/stop the steal has been banned is because there was so much fraud.
The article does a good job of explaining what happened in Antrim Co. MI (the case that prompted the judge to press on the Sec. of State). I do wish that news orgs would not use the terms “far left” or “far right,” or describe people with those terms. Because they are not defined, they have become merely divising and meaningless. I would like to share this info with people (even in my family) who do not believe the vote could be stolen, but when those terms are used, they simply reply “that’s propaganda” and ignore the data presented. (By design?)
Sharyl A., I too am sorry you were not there to cover the vote in Washington.
I’d really like to know your analysis of the election/voter fraud allegations. Aside from the obvious media and tech bias, was there fraud sufficient to steal the election from Trump. Thank you!