Fifty-five percent (55%) of people have acquired a generator, a gun, a pet, cryptocurrency, or more than one of the mentioned items, in the past year.
That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of more than 750 people at
In all, 22% say they have acquired more than one of the items; 5% say they have acquired only a generator and 16% say they have only acquired a gun (among the listed items). Five percent (5%) say they acquired a pet. And 7% acquired Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency.
In the past year, I have acquired:
5% A generator
16% A gun
5% A pet
7% Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency
22% More than one of the above
45% None of the above
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Why not ask :
“ How many bought a Holy Bible ? , regarding
what has underpinned the Democrat Party
for years (( underpins Bolshevism and Holly-
wood and the “entertainment” industries ! )) :
Full Measure Team and Sharyl,
The late Democrat Party’s conscience, Seth Rich,
was targeted for betraying Leftism’s devil-worship
(( paganism, witchcraft, black magic ))—for having
a Christian sense of moral conscience!, about
some seriously evil/devilish machinations (( see
emails referencing satanic rituals, which Seth
had provided Julian Assange, via thumb drive;
and, then, buy and study this book :
“The Franklin Coverup,” for a far deeper
understanding )).
Sharyl, Deep State machinations run
very deep, re our health :
Which natural agent does this anti-cancer
article HIDE from all women—worldwide ?
“Breast cancer is the leading cause of
cancer-related deaths in women
The answer :
I O D I N E .
Find and study this book,
about the hidden healing
power of iodine (( removed
from our bread products in
1972/‘73, by Deep State
operatives in Big-Pharma/
-Medicine—one of many
secret attacks on America :
“The Iodine Crisis—what you
don’t know about iodine can
wreck your life,”
by Lynne Farrow ( ( 2013 ))
Someone has to call out Biden’s team calling him a “Devout Catholic”. A Devout Catholic would never support: abortion, homosexuality, gay married or having an affair with another man’s wife. Why does he even stop at the church? Is he intending to repent from his sins?
And I bought my only gun, a Glock, the day of Uncle Joe’s inauguration. ( I used to own a small .45 some years back, but like a fool, I sold it.)